Paper 2D Unlit lighting issue

A similar issue has been posted before here, but no solution was found and I wanted to post a “workaround.”
The video below shows how to get the lighting of the sprites correct with a “new” project but I cant for the life of me find the setting/option in the example project that makes it work.

Below is a video of two brand new projects running side by side. The project on the left was completely blank on creation while the project on the right used the 2D side scrolling template when creating the project. As you can see when I add the same 2D side scrolling template to the left project, Unlit isnt Unlit.

I’d like to add that after closing and reopening the project, the issue occurs on the template project as well.

I also tried this with tappy chicken and it doesnt happen unless you change the project’s target hardware from Uncategorized to one of the presets.

So it looks like I’ve found the solution to the problem when writing my last comment. Turns out that you need to change your 2D game to Mobile/Tablet and Scalable 3D or 2D.


Turns out this is directly linked with Mobile HDR. However turning this option off disables things like Bloom. Could someone explain how to keep bloom and have correct unlit lighting?

Simply enable Mobile HDR within your ‘Project Settings’ under the ‘Rendering’ section. You will then be able to use the bloom post processing feature.