****, that slush looks awesome. Those aren’t just normals are they? I feel like there’s some translucency, but I’ve always wondered how you get that viscous look, especially for the sauce on the dirty china plate. You can email or message me if you’d like to discuss it in private. Really like your stuff man.
I do like your character concepts.
Wow, looks promising! Maybe I’ll purchase a model or two for my project: !!!
- Part 1 takes place in an underground City in the future, so windows, pillars, hyper-tunnels and other random architectural bits are all possible, as well as hanging string lights for the LOVE SOLSTICE Celebration that gets crashed.
- Part 2 onward takes place in an alternate present-day (2012 prophecy storm), near the shoreline - tables, chairs, tudor and medieval architectural bits and reimagined infrastrutures are all game.
- Weapons, both futuristic and magical, are fair game.
Within a week expect me to get in touch with concept sketches for what I need; no rush however to pump out models as I want to finish game by the end of next YEAR (earliest), and it’s up in the air whether I keep it first person or change it to a sidescroller, the art-style, etc. It’s a NOVEL forst and foremost and I’m still working on THAT after all.
Wow, looks promising! Maybe I’ll purchase a model or two for my project: !!!
- Part 1 takes place in an underground City in the future, so windows, pillars, hyper-tunnels and other random architectural bits are all possible, as well as hanging string lights for the LOVE SOLSTICE Celebration that gets crashed.
- Part 2 onward takes place in an alternate present-day (2012 prophecy storm), near the shoreline - tables, chairs, tudor and medieval architectural bits and reimagined infrastrutures are all game.
- Weapons, both futuristic and magical, are fair game.
Within a week expect me to get in touch with concept sketches for what I need; no rush however to pump out models as I want to finish game by the end of next YEAR (earliest), and it’s up in the air whether I keep it first person or change it to a sidescroller, the art-style, etc. It’s a NOVEL forst and foremost and I’m still working on THAT after all.
Sounds really cool! … I like it! Shoot me a message when you’re ready and we can talk shop.
Great looking work.
E-Mail sent with info; when you get it, lemme know!!!
Got it! Writing you back as I speak!
waiting for you on skype
Sure thing! Got back to you! If I’m not online you can send an e-mail. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Contact me at: @outlook.com
The client was looking for something cheap rusty and stabby they could place around their level. Knocked bad boy out in an easy three hours.
Have you ever American weapons? For instance, an M4 carbine.
[=SOF Studios;140857]
Have you ever American weapons? For instance, an M4 carbine.
I’ll be posting a revolver we’ve been working on shortly to give you a better idea of our skills. But yes! We can definitely handle a M4 carbine.
Theres two of some of your previous assets you posted, posted on polycount, by two different people. So that means you are claiming credit for atleast one of these assets that doesn’t belong to you.
If I were you, I would try to clear up somehow, to show that you are trustworthy, claiming other peoples work as your own is not a sound business practice.
Theres two of some of your previous assets you posted, posted on polycount, by two different people. So that means you are claiming credit for atleast one of these assets that doesn’t belong to you.
If I were you, I would try to clear up somehow, to show that you are trustworthy, claiming other peoples work as your own is not a sound business practice.
He has already mentioned he has a friend he works with so possibly there is no there. Our company website portfolio is combined from several personal portfolios that are scattered all over the internet. I would hate for someone to think i have stolen other peoples art work just because the images in my portfolio can also be found in another person portfolio when actually they are a contractor of my company. I hate to see that the first thing people do is have negative criticism instead of finding out the truth before making public posts like , it could hurt a reputation pretty easily. You should find out the truth first then criticize later if you do in fact find foul play.
Theres two of some of your previous assets you posted, posted on polycount, by two different people. So that means you are claiming credit for atleast one of these assets that doesn’t belong to you.
If I were you, I would try to clear up somehow, to show that you are trustworthy, claiming other peoples work as your own is not a sound business practice.
- He IS MaximumDev… He goes by a different name here, so link #1 is him.
- He also works with a business partner, and I would guess that is that person in link #2. He has stated before that he works with a friend on these models.
I can vouch for guy, have known of him and been in awe of his creations going back at least 2 years on various engines.
And as Twisted Polygons pointed out, in the future try sending the person you are about to accuse of something a PM about it asking for an explanation. If they don’t respond satisfactorily to your question, then make a post for all to see.
Posting here claiming you noticed an image on another website (and on Polycount of all places! How many of us don’t also have a Polycount ID?) without doing any fact checking (for instance, his original post mentions he is Dev) helps no one, especially you if you are wrong, make sure you know the facts before jumping to conclusions. Thank you.
Alright, I just looked into it more, I didn’t see he had a partner earlier, and after more research, he checks out, my bad.
Its just, I have seen a lot of things when it comes to freelancing, and with someone pointing out his brick wall above, I thought he may be heading down the route of showing other peoples things in his 'folio. It was just a warning that it seemed suspicious, not an accusation, so thats why I said he should try to clear it up somehow. You guys cleared it up for him, and I don’t want to hurt his business, so ignore my above post.