Hey guys! How’s it going? Thank you for the kind, kind words you’ve laid upon me. It really means a lot!
Half payment upfront.
will make as many changes during the modeling portion of development as you wish. No extra charge.
unwraps the model. Once you CONFIRM you’re happy with the model and step begins you CANNOT ask for ANY further changes. Any further changes in the model after unwrapping begins will force us to unwrap the model again (and will add significant time to the completion of the model). If you are willing to pay to have us make make the changes and unwrap the asset again, then we are perfectly willing to make further tweaks and additions per your wishes.
I begin texturing. I will work to follow the references you’ve passed me as directly as possible. Any further small tweaks are free of charge. Ask and you shall receive.
You confirm your happiness with the model and send the second half of payment.
I upload the asset and forward you a Dropbox link.
Shoot me a private message here or send an e-mail to @outlook.com if you have any questions.
I’m sorry. I should have clarified that Foliage doesn’t count as a prop. Nice looking foliage is far more complex and time consuming job than typical props. I’d need to charge about $10 for grass. Other larger foliage assets would run roughly $20. Depending on how much work you need we could definitely figure out some kind of break on the pricing for buying in bulk.
Hey guys. Sorry to say but I’m completely booked with multiple projects for the next few days. I’ll post here when I’m available to take on more jobs. Thank you for your interest!
I’m the guy who he made those models for, he was really easy to work with and was super quick, it was worth the price just for me not to have to take the time to uv sort of thing. Highly recommended!
It’s not dead, it’s just a bit messed up
is like it shows up in my address bar: “<b>http//www.artbyalireza.portfoliobox.me</b>/”
Delete ‘<b>’ and ‘</b>’ and add a ‘:’ right after ‘http’ - that will fix it
Apparently if you’re tagging something as a URL, you need to place the bold tags on the outside. Placing them on the inside breaks the link. Live and learn.