I am trying to create and use dynamic material in my c++ code using this
static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder materialAsset(TEXT(“MaterialInstanceConstant’/Game/PortalGame/PortalMat_Inst.PortalMat_Inst’”));
UMaterialInstance *BoxMaterialInstance;
if (materialAsset.Succeeded())
BoxMaterialInstance = materialAsset.Object;
dynamicTerrainMaterialInstance = UMaterialInstanceDynamic::Create(BoxMaterialInstance, NULL);
However it runs perfectly while running in the Editor but fails while packaging and the error I get this.
[2017.03.25-09.14.14:581][ 0]Can’t save G:/UnrealSource/UnrealProjects/GGTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/GGTest/Content/Maps/ThirdPersonExampleMap.umap: Graph is linked to private object(s) in an external package.
External Object(s):
But if I remove dynamic materials it packages successfully.
Have anyone faced this or any clue about this?
Hi Sameerrajsingh ,
There are a few trouble shooting steps to follow initially when having packaging issues:
1. Delete The following folders and then try repackaging
- Intermediate
- Saved (since your error is occurring in your project’s saved folder this may be the source)
- Config (deleting this folder will result in having to re-enter all values for your Editor and Project Settings. So make a copy somewhere safe!)
2. Disable Plugins
Please provide the Log file by clearing your Ouput Log, package your project, then Cut and Paste from the newly generated Output Log into a text document and post.
Let me know if that helps,
Hi Ed,
I did exactly the same thing as mentioned in step 1 and 2 but still got the same errors.
I am attaching the fresh log and the CookLog from the Automation tool.
Sorry for late reply, I see that you mentioned removing certain assets fixes the issue. If fixing redirectors doesn’t help I would recommend making a copy of the bugged assets and deleting the original this method has helped users in the past.