Packaged game won't load maps

I have already posted in the general forums with no luck.

Packaged game will not load maps. I’ve tried:

  • Checking “cook everything” which worked at first.
  • Listing all of the maps in the packaging section
  • Listing all maps in the asset manager
  • Moving maps to the /Game or /Content folder
  • Deleting - vs, binaries, build, saved, and intermediate folders and then rebuilding
  • Opening adb shell and deleting the UE4Game directory on the device sd card

No matter what I try, it just won’t load the map outside the main menu. The screen flashes and returns me to the main menu. I have multiple game modes, each is attached separately to the world settings of each map.

This is a link to my original post: Android launch sometimes won't load maps - Mobile - Unreal Engine Forums

Sorry for posting in multiple places. I’ve been stuck on this for over a month.


My problem seems to be that the map name being passed into “Open Level” isn’t the full address of the map. So for instance, if I type in Level1, it will run in the editor but on the package it needs to be /Game/Maps/Level1 for the map name. Now, I say this seems to be the problem because in the data file that stores the list of maps, they are listed with the full address so the name that is grabbed from that list should be the full address. For some reason it isn’t. However, if I type it in manually, it does work on the package. It also needs to be added to the package map list.


It wasn’t reading from the data file because the column headings had spaces - c’mon Unreal, you can’t be ok with spaces sometimes and not with others. Still, as a programmer I remember thinking “Meh, Unreal doesn’t care and it looks cleaner with the space.”

Also, as a test, after correcting this I can package the game without adding maps to the cook list. I’m going to anyway as part of reducing the overall file size but for me, at least, it isn’t necessary.


Having similar issue when I do a shipping build… maps not loading… but when i package the same game without character blueprint… it works fine… i think something is wrong with my character blueprint… while every thing works fine in the editor.
where as the developer build just straight up crashes the game…

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