Packaged game loses blueprint connections, not able to cook correct connection(error)


Its described in picture… Basically, when i connected “self” ref to node “destruction bomb base”, in cooking log it said something like “unable to connect “self” and “destruction bomb base” because its not compatible…” = unknown cooking failure… but it is compatible…

this guy has same problem too: Unknown Cook Failure - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums

So i found workaround by directly setting variable in player controller, however in packaged game this connection is broken… Its sometimes broken too when i re-open editor (but after trying cleaning redirectors it seems its not broken on editor restart anymore)

Hey Name368,

Unfortunately it’s the same with this issue. If you could provide a test project that has the issue, it would be much appreciated. We’ve been tracking a pin disconnecting issue for a while now but so far it hasn’t been reproducible outside of users large personal projects.

As test project you mean my project or newly created project (where i have to reproduce this bug again?) ? Because i can send you my main project, no problem. But i need to know where (pm?) because it contains paid assets…

So i tried another packaging setup and that connection is always broken on packaging and restart editor too…

A new project is always preferred because it’s easier to track down what is actually happening. However; if the only reproduces in your project, then sending it will also work. If it’s a large project, just try to pare down a version that only uses the bugged assets. Make sure to make a copy of your project so nothing gets lost.

You can PM me a link to download it directly over the Forums.

So after 10 days fighting vs engine i found workaround, which was suprisingly easy… I changed “bomb…” references and connections to “actor” ref and connections and ITS WORKING NOW.

however bug still persist, i tried to recreate “bomb” BP and “controller” BP too but without success. It worked on almost blank player controller, it worked too in new project but in my main project not… i also tried to switch off nativize blueprints but got same bad result.
Its probably some kind of deep bug, im already ZIPping project so if you want to look at it i can send it to you.