Ortho Projection not in scale

Good morning, I"m trying to import ortho projections from Reality Capture to Autocad.
My Reality Capture project has coordinates in CC43 (epsg code : 3943). I exported my orthos in TIFF format. I got a .tfw files attached to it. When I export it on AutoCad, my orthos are either not on scale or upside down.
How can I fix this ?

to use the georeferenced ortho in AutoCAD you need to use GeoRefImg plugin.

Hello @OndrejTrhan !,
I just tried GeoRefImg and it’s doing the same thing as AutoCad Map 3D.
Here is the .tfw file linked to the ortho

according to the TFW file it seems like you are exporting the side ortho. Is that right?
I suppose your model is georeferenced. What is the expected height in the model’s area? Is it about 93 m ASL?
When you are placing the reconstruction region before ortho creation, do you have set the upper left corner as reference one?
Have you tried export the ortho set as Image for World file coordinate system?
If not, how does the TFW file look?

This TFW file you sent need to be “rewritten” to get the proper format as in the forum I sent you.
Replace line 1 with line 2, replace line 3 with line 4, replace line 5 with line 6. Change big value to 0 and probably negative value to positive (as this should be the height).

Then the side ortho should be georeferenced according to its height. For the side orthos it is the only way for georeferencing, there is no the position’s value.

It is a side ortho and model is georeferenced.
The model is a building, its altitude is about 70AMSL, with a height of 20m. So 93m should be the top left of the ortho ?
The upper left corner is the reference on Reality Capture.

Solution :
I found a way to have it scaled and at the correct height.
I rewrote the .tfw file as you said, by swapping lines 1 with 2, lines 3 with 4 and lines 5 with 6 and change line 5 with 0 (after swapping lines).
Then when I import on AutoCad Map 3D. I then changed the Y calculated by AutoCad to the number on line 6.

I changed the Y (so the height) because when I was importing without changing parameters. Y was 110m+. After checking, we found out it was just too high by an ortho height. We then checked and found out Y insertion parameter was too high. After changing this parameter with line 6, height was good (crosschecked with topographic survey we did of the zone).

If you have another solution, I’m open to talk.

Thank you for the answer.
Have a nice day !

Yes, it should be 93.934 according to your TFW file. I suppose this should be also used as a new Y value after the TFW correction.

What value have you used for the height?

I copy/paste 93.934

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