Orbit: Weather & Seasons BP

I’m really stoked to get those implemented :slight_smile:


Figured I’d write out a proper changelog of everything done so far if anyone’s interested in perusing through it.

Orbit Changelog 2016.06.27

Volumetric Lighting:

Migrated Volumetric Lighting BP features
Added 3d projected dust
Added 3d projected fog
Exposed Fog Texture Depth param
Exposed Fog Scale param
Exposed Fog Speed param
Exposed Dust Brightness param
Exposed Dust Scale param
Exposed Dust Speed param

Backdrop Clouds:

Added static cloud backdrop plane
Added Cirrus backdrop
Added Cumulonimbus backdrop
Added Cirrocumulus backdrop
Exposed Backdrop Toggle param
Exposed Backdrop Style param
Exposed Backdrop Height param
Exposed Backdrup Scale param
Exposed Backdrop Opacity param
Exposed Backdrop Brightness param
Exposed Backdrop Color param

Stratus Clouds:

Added stratus cloud projection sheet
Configured & implemented dynamic stratus cloud material
Exposed Render Stratus Clouds param
Exposed Cloud Sample Quality param
Exposed Lock Strats Colors To Time Of Day param
Exposed Height param
Exposed Render Distance param
Exposed Shape Falloff param
Exposed Fluffiness param
Exposed Cloud Lighting Intensity param
Exposed Backlighting Exponent param
Exposed Backlighting Falloff param
Exposed Self-Shadow Strength param
Exposed Cloud Night Max Darkness param
Exposed Cloud Density param
Exposed Cloud Opacity param
Exposed Cloud Sheet Scale param
Exposed Cloud Pattern Scale param
Exposed Cloud Shadow Pattern Scale param
Exposed Cloud Dissolve Exponent param
Exposed Cloud Wind Exponent param
Exposed Sun Lighting Falloff param
Exposed Sun Lighting Intensity param
Exposed Sun Lighting Radius param
Exposed Moon Lighting Falloff param
Exposed Moon Lighting Intensity param
Exposed Moon Lighting Radius param
Exposed Cloud Light Color param
Exposed Cloud Dark Color param
Configured Cloud Lighting over life
Configured Cloud Backlighting over life
Configured Cloud Self-Shadowing over life
Configured Saturation/Density ratio


Exposed Wind North/South param
Exposed Wind East/West param

Time of Day:

Exposed Time param
Exposed Number of Daylight Hours param


Implemented physical moon mesh
Configured Directional Light to Moon position
Configured moon cycling material
Exposed Distance from Earth param
Exposed Orbital Pitch param
Exposed Orbital Angle param
Exposed Moon Brightness param
Exposed Moon Size param
Exposed Moon Physical rotation param
Exposed Moon Color param
Exposed Visibility through Atmosphere param


Configured three-zone sky color material with sun mask
Exposed Lock Sky Colors to Time of Day param
Exposed Horizon Color param
Exposed Meridian Color param
Exposed Zenith Color param
Exposed Sky Desaturation param
Exposed Horizon Height param
Exposed Horizon Falloff param
Exposed Zenith Height param
Exposed Zenith Falloff param
Exposed Sky Opacity param
Exposed Sky Brightness param
Configured Saturation/Cloud Density ratio
Configured Brightness over life


Implemented star sheet
Configured dynamic star map material
Exposed Lock Stars Visibility to Time of Day param
Exposed Starsheet Height param
Exposed Starsheet Scale param
Exposed Stars Pattern Scale param
Exposed Stars Visibility param
Exposed Stars Brightness param
Exposed Starmap Contrast param
Exposed Flicker Pattern Scale param
Exposed Flicker Rate param
Exposed Star Color param
Configured Stars Visibility over life
Configured Starmap Panning over life


Configured Directional Light tying to Sky material Sun position
Exposed Sun Intensity Param
Exposed Sun Color param
Exposed Sun Indirect Lighting param
Exposed Sun IL Intensity param
Exposed Sun Shafts param
Exposed Sun Shafts Scale param
Exposed Sun Radius param
Exposed Sun Disc Brightness param
Configured Sun Brightness over life
Configured Shafts color tying to Sun Color

Any new screens/videos?
Rubbing my hands here :slight_smile:

Well, I was going to wait to include this in another update post, but since you asked, and since I’m barely containing myself from posting more stuff, here’s some more stuff :slight_smile:

Procedurally shaped lightning (bolt-build speed is adjustable, slowed down for this video to showcase it) :

Re-worked volumetric-cloud backlighting:

Proper moon-cycling with controllable self-shadow intensity:

And here are some screens of different times of day since time of day based variable automation is now complete.

Other stuff:

  • Lightning is now physicalized, shouldn’t pass through solid objects
  • Volumetric clouds are finished, any remaining tweaking can be done via exposed parameters (as system is intended to do)
  • Height fog parameters are now exposed, if volumetric fog isn’t possible due to performance constraints/you don’t want it at all.
  • Extra features for post-release updates list on the Trello has been updated, includes stuff like light pollution, auroras, meteor showers, dust storms, and some other stuff.
  • The Trello is actually current and up to date as of right now, so a full look at features/progress can be found there.

After I’m finished with lightning, I have wind setup to do, should be able to finish that this week if all goes well, then it’ll be time for rain & snow, REALLY excited to bust those out and share media for it, I know several people have said they’re itching for it, I promise it’s on the way :slight_smile:

Thanks for your continued interest and support, you all rock!

Procedural lightning is DONE!!!

That procedural Lightning looks awesome!

Well done.

I want to see this running on the VXGI build, it’d probably kill my old GTX but it’d be so worth it… :stuck_out_tongue:

OMG I CANT WAIT FOR THIS TO COME OUT :smiley: WAITING IS KILLING ME :smiley: Any idea of the cost of this masterpiece of marketplace content?

Yeh that lighting strike is really fantastic. I can see already buying this asset and completly overusing stormy weather just to get lighting strikes goin.

By the way do you have some performance numbers for current version? Since you are using volumetric clouds i am guessing it should be much more than Ultra dynamic sky, but just wondering where the numbers are landing.

I’m planning on releasing this for $20 USD :slight_smile:

You are correct, the volumetric clouds are fairly performance intensive, but I’ve included some quality sampling options to try and reach a wider range of hardware. Here is an image indicating my specs and the performance I get on each quality sampling option playing in a standalone game (play-in-editor FPS rate isn’t as accurate due to extra processes) as of the current build.

Wow man… this looks awesome 0.o

Thank you! You’re awesome!

Thank you very much for detailed FPS pictures! Its great to see the scalability. Are you perhaps planing to add 2d clouds as third fallback? For example using it the way Ultra dynamic sky does it, becouse i wouldnt mind a little less quality of clouds, as long as you have everything else in the package that you are providing (weather etc).

That’s something that I had certainly considered, but it’s not currently on my to do list. If there are requests for it I could probably add it in as an option, though I don’t know for certain that it’d be in and implemented by release day, as testing everything and making everything scalable and consistent at least in pattern generation to the volumetric clouds would put me past my projected submission date of August 7th. I’ve added it to my list of extra features/post release updates on my Trello page to revisit once the other core pieces are finished. If you or anyone else would like to see the non-volumetric clouds or any of the other features there added in future updates, be sure to vote on their cards on the Trello. :slight_smile:


WOW :eek: :eek: :eek:

Thanks for the response!
Can’ wait!

  • will there be some lightning branches?
  • will there be some Cloud to cloud / intra-cloud lightnings? (not hitting the ground)

If there is time before August 7th (projected submission date) I’d like to go back and add branches/cloud-cloud, if there isn’t time before then it’ll be added to my post-release update list, found here.

Looking good ! Really digging the procedural lightning. :slight_smile:

Thank you so much, so kind of you to say :slight_smile:

It looks awesome, but I’d be somewhat concerned by those performance costs. If you’re dropping down to 80fps on a 980Ti, I’m worried what that would look like on something like a 660 or lower, especially as this is an empty scene.

Sure thing, this is due to transparency overdraw on the volumetric clouds. Lowering the sample count combats this, as it lessens the number of transparent layers being stacked and rendered, though it’s not an end all-be all fix. Unfortunately I’m not a talented enough programmer to find a way around the overdraw issues, but I’ve tried to maintain the ability to still have decent looking clouds all the way down to the low quality settings, and I’m looking into adding 2d clouds for lower-end hardware as well, that way the rest of the system can be utilized without forcing people to forgo the dynamic clouds. :slight_smile: