Watched the VOD twice it was so good Victor and Alex!
Couple of things I’ve noticed,
The widget interaction doesn’t reset to the left hand after hiding the menu, with debug on it seems to freeze in the location it was at when the menu is hidden, seems like something you’d want to fix for the template for ease of use. Anyone have the fix btw? I’m only starting with VR and generally only a year or so dabbling with unreal.
Something I fixed which is just rotator and assume is because I’m using the og Oculus Rift and controllers, the pointer seemed off, so I had to rotate my hand right IRL to get the menu cursor to point where i wanted. As said fixed that just rotating the widget interaction childed to the controllers to fit my current set up, which might break other controllers widget interaction? I cannot test that though.
A few things that would be super useful in a VR content examples would be the “force” pull effect, I’d assume could be done with a sphere trace from the grip angle looking for actors with that grab component (I’ve started to love actor and scene components, that with additional graphs is just the cleanest code in BP).
Also the grid and snapping actors like in Oculus Home. Just a couple ideas from always ending up in there with Oculus’ hardcoded right menu button. lol
And as both hosts said in the video, some best practices / features of Robot Recall (which i should really play again soon) would be amazing in content examples. Really talked up the shotgun made me wanna play.
My current project has me currently deconstructing how a old VR asset worked so i can maybe change it to a scene/actor component and recreate its function/features in the new template, so I renamed your inputs to start with which hand it is (makes search in graph easy with “Left_”/“Right_” filters everything in engine out that has left or right because the underscore
) and added all the rest of the VR buttons. I will need to add the other HMD controller inputs later.
Which has me curious if i should add those buttons to your BP Interface. From the looks of it, with the primary/secondary its for communicating grabbed actor functions, ie. the gun firing?
Sorry for the essay just having a blast with the new VR Template, great work!