Objects facing downward cant be lit

Hi There,

I cant seem to get a face of my mesh to be lit, I turned on two sided and it seems to work fine on the top, but the bottom wont. If I rotate the mesh 180 degrees, the side that can and cant be lit flip. I also tried maxing out the brightness of a light right below the dark material, but it seems to ignore it. Let me know if I can provide any additional information, or if there is anything I can try :slight_smile:

Something is wrong with either your mesh normals, or your normal map. Perhaps you need to invert the normal map on the back face. This can be done with the “two sided sign” node. You can use this to flip the normal map on the back side of the mesh without impacting the front side.

Can you test it with any other material? try the very basic two-sided material just with color plugged-in. If that will solve the issue, then the reason is probably in material’s normals, forced to face up.

Thank you for your reply, I figured out it was because the cubemap I had assigned to the area light I was using for the test didnt have anything on the bottom face :slight_smile:

Thanks for your reply :slight_smile:

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