Objects disappearing when looked at certain angle

This has been an ongoing problem for me. I don’t know if it’s a bug but It’s super annoying. I’m currently using Unreal Engine 4.27, and when I import selective objects and put them in the level or an actor they have this weird tendency to disappear completely when looked at from a certain angle. The last model that had this bug, I tried to re-import it and there was no change. Here are some images from my latest import.

Hey @Fallerrr!

Having a bit of trouble deciphering what is actually disappearing with the pictures provided, but does this happen at any distance or only when up close?

Any additional specifics or information you provide may go a long way in solving your problem!

This laser here is what’s disappearing. It’s not just in the editor where this happens i’d like you to note.

It disappears with the slightest bit of movement when you’re too close to it.

Here’s a video on it:

Hi Fallerr,

If you search ‘bounds’ in the disappearing mesh’s details panel there are a few things to try:

Increase the ‘Bounds Scale’ , Enable ‘Use Attach Parent Bound’ , Enable ‘Include Component Location Into Bounds’

Let us know if any of those do the trick!

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None of these worked, Unfortunately.