Hello, I’m planning in using UE4 for a voxel game, so I’m trying to import some simple meshes I created to the editor.
These meshes are first created using a voxel editor, then, I use a program I created to optimize the number of vertex of the voxel and I create a obj with it, then I use MeshMixer to create an .dae file from my obj (since my obj have vertex color information, which is not supported by default by .obj, I use the MeshMixer which can read this special obj file and create an .dae file with the vertex color information).
With the .dae file I finish importing it to blender or FBX Converter to convert it to .fbx to load in UE4.
Since this is a voxel mesh, there is no need for texture information as all the color information I need is stored in vertex color, so there is no UV Map of any sort.
The problem I’m having is after importing in UE4, the model works great, but if I try to rebuild the light, my object will became entirely black. Bellow there is 2 images, one of the model before the light rebuild, and the other after;
Searching for a solution I saw some people creating a second UV Map so UE4 could use it to lightmap, the problema is that I dont have any UV Map channel at all, I tried inserting the channels with blender and UE4 Mesh Editor but the results are always messed up, it never turns like the first image.
I don’t know if it will help, but I uploaded the model (the .adb and .fbx file) so if anybody can test it in UE4:
[link text][2]
Just for completion, When I import the model, I use an custom material which is simply an vertexcolor material.
So, there is some way to fix it without creating an UV Map? If not, how can I create this UV Map without messing out the light in it after rebuild?