Building have nice “clear” reflection as well as tree. But this little socket/plinth under a tree don’t have any relfection. If I move my camera ridiclously close to it then I will be able to see it. But I wanteed it to be visible from normal perspective too.
I have more small/smaller models like this which are not visible in reflections. I placed additional sphere reflection capture around them but it didn’t do anything.
Can I somehow “force” UE4 to make more visible reflections of those objects ? Lack of this reflections is very easy to spot and it destroy immersion very fast
Take a look at your Post Process Volume and crank up the intensity of your screenspace reflections. I would also look into placing your Sphere Reflection Captures directly around the tree at closer to the ground.
The roughness of your surface is also going to have an effect on your reflective environment. Perhaps lower that a little bit to see if that helps.
Try modifying the the ‘Max Roughness’ value of in the Screen Space Reflections settings of your Post Process Volume. Make sure to run the ‘Update Captures’ on the reflection capture actors and the ‘Update Reflections’ on your ‘Skylight’ if you have one placed in your scene. You will also want to rebuild your lighting and save your map just to make sure the reflections are updated and correct.
For me it is good practice and a force of habit to rebuild lighting. I actually use the ‘Build All’ option to make sure everything in my scene is updated. Even when using a fully dynamic scene, any changes made to the reflective environment need to be updated.
I set my max roughness to 1. Placed there reflection capture and build all.
I even experimented a little bit with Cube Maps and I discovered that if I place in my sky light cube map instead of “captured scene” then I can see more reflection in my scene (I can’t really figure out why).
Yet, still reflection of this socket isn’t showing up
Reducing the Max roughness value is what you want to do, not increase it. Unless I have the project on my end, it is going to be hard to reproduce. Could you provide me with the project so I can take a look?
You will need to take your projects Content, Config, and .Uproject files/folders and zip them into a folder. Then upload it to an external file sharing program like Google Drive or DropBoxx and provide me with the link via a private message on the forums.
Yes, I experimented with min/max roughness and neither of it is fixing my problem.
And I do not have any weird thing in terms of reflections. I set up a new level. Basic light source, sky light, everything set to moveable. And material which is set 100% white to diffuse, metallic and specular and 100% black to roughness.
In my opinion (of course I can be wrong) it looks like UE4 have some limitation in terms of quality and maybe distance of dynamic reflections ? Maybe that is the thing ? If this is the cause, can I change settings for that ?
So I took a look at this issue with a mesh that I made very similar to the one you are using. I can see what you are referring to when using the parameters for the scene you have mentioned. There is a bit of a limitation here, but there are also a few things you need to make sure you are setting up correctly when calculating the reflection environment. Firstly, SSR are meant as a way to “ground” your objects in the scene using reflections. Using the entirety of the reflection environment, and getting it to look good will require some specific settings explained in the documentation below.
Essentially, SSR works well when used on non-flat surfaces with some varying roughness and added normals. Take a look at the documentation below on the Reflection Environment, and more particularly the section titled, “Setting up a level to use the Reflection Environment” as it highlights the necessary options needed for getting reflections correct. It will also highlight current limitations in place with reflections in UE4.
Reflection Environment
If you have further questions or comments please let me know. I will say, be sure to uncheck ‘Cast Shadows’ on the ‘Skylight’ and you have a contributing to indirect lighting, which is how reflections are calculated and added to the scene.