Does your static mesh have an UVmap ? It looks like a lightmap issue. Be sure the mobility of both your object and light are good.
I’m working with bringing in several datasmith objects made in 3DS Max into Unreal but several of the objects I’ve brought in appear dark to pitch black in scenes where other objects look well lit
Initially I thought this might be a light mapping problem but that doesn’t appear to be the case:
Anyone ever encountered anything like this?
I was worried that was the case at first but I looked at the model and double checked the correct UV channel. There not the best UV’s but they don’t have any overlap errors; looking at the same object in Lightmap Density and Lighting mode; it’s definitely not the UV’s.
I have only one main light in the scene; a Directional Light with a Lux of 120000; a skylight and a skybox. The object is Static; the Directional Light is Static and the Skylight is stationary
Did you look at these posts ?
Does it append after building the light ?
Try setting your mesh to “stationary” and then rebuild your lighting.
The first build looks totally fine to me…
Maybe it’s going to be your material? Although the screenshot really tiny it looks like it has a reflective material… do you have a reflection capture in your scene?
100% sure that the correct uv map is assigned as a lightmap? …but again the first picture looks fine…
Thanks for the reply!
Just tried it, unfortunately the object is still black even after changing all the objects and lights in my scene to stationary.
Thanks for the continued support!
I skimmed one of them earlier while looking for a solution but the problems seemed to be either incorrectly imported lightmap UVs or the object wasn’t using the right UV channel. From what I can tell I’m using the correct UV channel and rebuilding the object with new normals and tangets doesn’t seem to fix anything. No baking errors either when I rebuild my lighting.
Good thinking! But unfortunately the reflections seem fine as well, I have two proves of different sizes next to my object that use one of the default cubemaps Unreal ships with. I checked the scene in the reflection view and it looks fine
The problem seems related to the material interacting with the lighting but I’m not sure why it’s being such a problem considering. If it helps this is the master material the concrete is referencing here:
I’ve changed values in the instance to make the fresnel have less of an impact but nothing really stands out to me. I should say this is a datasmith material I imported, not one I rigged up myself.
I suppose the same material works well on other meshes ?
Could you try export you rmesh, import it in your 3d progam, re-save and re-import it ?
Can I ask what’s the difference on the first pic between the first and the second pic? …because the first one looks fine…
Have you tried to bake with a simple gray material?
Thanks for the support everyone! I think I found the solution; although it’s kind of weird so I wouldn’t mind if anyone has a more correct idea of why I need to use this work around if they could chime in:
As Makigirl pointed out the reflections were part of the problem; but it wasn’t that they weren’t in the scene; it’s they weren’t intense enough. I ended up creating some simple metals and adding them to my scene and they also looked incorrect with extremely dark colouring. The concrete material I’m using was technically a metal (weird I know but not the main issue here).
So after changing the sun position of my scene I removed all my reflection probes and added a new one; and made it a specified cubemap. After some testing setting the intensity of the reflections to 200 in direct sunlight seemed to fix the problem:
This is probably related to the ‘Real World’ lighting I’ve been specified for the project I’m working on not interacting with HD light values correctly; but this seems to fix the issue so I’ll mark this as done. Thanks for the help!