NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

Why is your water white?

Yes it is a bit too much, but in a river when water is flowing it is kind of white

If you meant when zoomed out, then i dont know where i can change it, its based on distance, LOD i think

I realise is a bit far out still, since youā€™ve said hairworks is a bit further off, but is there a for a standalone tool for applying the hair to an imported FBX?
I was thrilled to see was the case with Apex cloth, since Iā€™m not a maya/ user, and it would be a bit of a shame to have to rent/purchase one of them just to get hairworks up and running.

(If there is a way to do in the existing hairworks viewer than I failed to find it, sorry!)

If we can get the DirectX Compute performance comparable to CUDA we will be comfortable with it. Whether we would also choose to drop the CUDA implementation at that point remains to be seen. Itā€™s not just about performance, itā€™s also about development velocity and understanding what is possible with our GPU architecture. Within the game tech group, we rely heavily on the teams who develop CUDA and the drivers, and it might be risky to put all of our eggs in the DirectX Compute basket.

Although I would prefer to refrain from indulging in another silly flame , I think itā€™s worth mentioning that CUDA is not strictly proprietary to NV, AMD declined to support it. These situations are always more complicated than they appear in the marketing battles. Iā€™ll stick to the technical side of things and try to help people make better games. Nobody is being forced to use WaveWorks, we are working hard to help bring innovation to games.

Iā€™ll ask about that, but it is really expensive to replicate /Maya functionality in a stand-alone tool, so I suspect we donā€™t have anything like that in the pipeline.

By ā€˜packableā€™, you mean to bake all the assets and create a stand-alone game? I havenā€™t tried that yet personally, I wouldnā€™t be shocked if there are issues with it.

Yes, as a stand-alone game, itā€™s for a highschool project where you can drive a boat :slight_smile:

Iā€™ll try it in a blank project and report back if it does work.

Waveworks is something Iā€™ve dreamed about since started to search for good looking waves,
is really seeing its coming now to Unreal Engine, thank you! :slight_smile:

Both, not only for Gameworks, also for Geforce arch documentation. I know that there are always some ā€œsecretā€ that in every company no-one want to share to the public for a set of very good reasons, but for individuals or very small teams optimizing for both major GPU IHVs (AMD and NVIDIA) is quite impossible due the lack of a good and public documentation. A lot of times optimizing shader for NV architectures means guess the GPU behavior from CUDA documentation (and unfortunately AMD decided to NOT support CUDA :mad:). Most of optimization for NV GPUs I can find come from PowerPoints/PDFs of keynotes, Siggraphs et simila) . Gameworks looks really amazing, but only for very few compiled sample I need to sign an NDA. If there are performance issues source code access is mandatory, and yet another, more ā€œspecialā€, NDA ask the company.
On the other side (AMD), there are few interesting demos with full source code. They are optimized only for GCN of course, but nothing prevent no-one to change the code and optimize for other architecture. I donā€™t want to be polemic at all, but did NVIDIA ever consider to public a version of TressFX optimized for its GPUs, just to let developers who choose TressFX to good performance on GeForce? :confused:

Since Direct3D 12 is coming (true multithreading, hurray!), I really hope to see more changes from all IHVs in the next years :slight_smile:

NVIDIA FlameWorks would have been nice too :slight_smile:


Oddly I think itā€™s TurfEffects that Iā€™m most excited for. Does VXGI currently supported animated meshes? (receiving or reflecting?)

Oddly I think itā€™s TurfEffects that Iā€™m most excited for. Does VXGI currently supported animated meshes? (receiving or reflecting?)

Yes, VXGI will support animated meshes, but we havenā€™t shown that content yet. Hopefully weā€™ll have VXGI posted by the end of the month, with some simple content. You canā€™t push big files on Github directly, so weā€™ll need a convenient way to distribute sample content.

Wait wait waitā€¦ I guess I lost a lot of happenings ā€¦ Going back to read :wink:

Are you going to push it to Nvidia GitHub or is it going to be implemented by Epic on their GitHub?

Is it likely that weā€™ll still see Turf/FLEX at the end of the month too?

Itā€™s all Epicā€™s GitHub. /NvPhysX/UnrealEngine is a fork of Epicā€™s main line.


FleX is looking very promising, at least for a first release by the end of the month, but I think Turf might take a bit longer. Stay tuned, Iā€™ll keep thread updated as the information becomes available.

That looks ! Anything on the water simulations?

I think water simulation is on the second screen, it just renders as particles that Flex based on.

Hey can someone please explain to me if is plugins that will be available to the community?
Are they licensed from NVIDIA? Or will they become a part of UE 4 (Out of the box support).

Appreciate any confirmation on .

! Canā€™t wait to check out.

I wouldnā€™t worry about content, there is plenty enough of it laying around to test it ;).

They will be on github: