NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

That sounds (& looks) great ! Can’t wait to check it out! I was just wondering if the demo for WaveWorks + buoyancy and ships project will be released at the same time as Flex & VXGI? Or will it take bit longer to get that demo project to become available?

BTW: I finally managed to figure out buoyancy for my WIP project, seeing it bob up and down and leaning with the wave crests, it’s ! That was a thrilling moment, implementing a component in code, you hope it works, but usually it will have some bugs, then there are times like where it worked first try! That doesn’t mean it works as well as it could, still more work to do. :smiley:

I’d like to know will we have to buy new GTX 9xx series cards to utilize some of these new features or, can we still use our existing hardware (I already paid for GTX Titan back when, so it better work :wink: ).

VXGI requires a architecture 9xx series card, I haven’t heard anything about the Titans being able to run VXGI. Plus they use the previous generation architecture in a Titan, so I don’t think it will work unfortunately.

But all of the others will work without any problems amigo! :slight_smile:

is super …Can’t wait to try it out.

That’s right, the fluid surface rendering in UE4 is still TBD, but the underlying simulation is already in place.

Actually, I’m happy to report that I ran UE4 with VXGI on my Kepler-based 670 card yesterday. Performance wasn’t as good as a , but I think it is a viable tech. I even ran it on my old 460 card, but performance there appears to be a lost cause.

I’m afraid the buoyancy and ships sample is still a long ways out. No ETA as of yet, sorry. Sounds like you figured it out anyways, hopefully others in the community can benefit from your hard work too!


So the rumors were true… That’s great that it can at least work on lower spec, it could be used for small showcase scenes or games with minimalist styles. Those with a 780ti or Titan will likely be able to make use of it as well at a higher level.

Sounds good, was just curious. I still need to work out better performance for buoyancy. It works but it’s a CPU hog atm.

Thanks for the info !

Thank you! - THAT made my MONTH! :smiley:

My Laptop manufacturer insists that my Clevo P370SM-A based system can not be upgraded from its 880M to 980M…yet any other source, incl. their own config web page, so far tells me it IS possible…so I was unsure to fan out a couple hundred bucks on something that may or may not work :open_mouth:

At least, according to what you said^^, I can test the and go easy on the hardware upgrade.

Ok so no GameWorks stuff will be supported out of the box on UE 4?

Until it’s supported on at least Radeons, it’s very unlikely. Epic does not integrate vendor specific middle ware into main branch.

You just have to compile it yourself, only downside is that it won’t necessarily be on the latest version of the engine

OK thank you guys been looking for a confirmation on for a while.
So what whould happen if a user/ Player don`t have the necesary hardware?
Will the game not run at all or will it just look odd?

It’ll probably be the same as with back at the time. Just adding one more thing: VXGI, Flex and Waterworks? Nvidia, I totally love you guys :smiley:

i will love that guys when add support for non-nvidia users :smiley:

has said previously the GitHub branch he is working on will be synced to the latest full release (not preview builds), so when 4.7 proper is released he will move to that version. Not the latest GitHub version of course, but it will be a stable build.

has also mentioned they are working on , it will take some time though. :slight_smile:

yeah i read that. Sometimes love take some time too lol

Right, we intend to keep up with the releases on all branches. Regarding non-NV compatibility, we are working on for all GW modules, but some will take more time than others. VXGI will run on non-NV GPUs already, and the integration will support it from day one. I believe Turf will do so as well, but FleX requires more work for the DX Compute port.


wait, wait wait… How does it run on software mode? :o (quad-core with AVX and beyond I mean…)

Nice, did NV public some new papers/pdf/slids about VXGI or volumetric sparse texture? : D : D : D