NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

So it only works on Windows… That’s sad, since UE4 does a great job in supporting other platforms. And gameplay depending features should work on all platforms the same way.

CUDA is supported on OSX and Linux as well, and we are working on CUDA for Android too. XBoxOne supports DC, but PS4 has its own system as far as I know.

Although it is certainly feasible over the long term that all core features will work the same way on all platforms, at any given time some platforms will have greater capabilities than others. You can’t expect the same features and performance from a mobile chip or from last year’s console as from a latest generation enthusiast-quality PC. Demanding the same content on all platforms means settling for less on platforms of greater capability. An alternative is to have core gameplay elements in common across platforms, but scale the to suit the platform.

with “other platforms” I thought about Linux and Mac :stuck_out_tongue: CUDA will only run on Nvidia and DXC will only run on Windows… So AMD Users on Linux and Mac are the one that are missing support. I dont care about consoles and mobile :smiley:
With OpenCL you could enable support for all platforms.

Windows is the biggest market though, that’s more than enough for any Indie.

I still dream about an open source turning point of NVIDIA Gameworks… :eek:

just make yourself a developer account matey. Once is implemented on UE. It’ll be all ok for you

What do you mean by ‘open’? Source available to you as an individual developer? Or source just thrown out in the wild?

Hey - Really looking forward to Nvidias CES Keynote tonight.

Cannot wait to see what you guys are up to :smiley:

Me too! Lots of people working hard on demos and tech, should be a good show.

Do you mind explaining how you did ? I was able to compile the gameworks fork but I really don’t know where to go next, I don’t know what node to look for…

Did you load the and run the only map?

ah, found it, thanks!

I already posted my project files a few posts ago :slight_smile:

I am really wondering about how will end up, AMD users being crippled or not. Considering both PS4 and xbox one uses AMD it would be a bit sad. I guess my 290x is going to be an expensive paperweight soon. :stuck_out_tongue:

As noted above, the DirectX Compute version should cover the majority of non-NV users on PC, and we are working on it.

Will the performance in DirectX Compute be the same as on CUDA? If so, Nvidia could no longer use CUDA as a marketing argument, so I guess they don’t want DXC to have the same performance as CUDA. Nvidia always shows they don’t want to cooperate with AMD, so I cant really imagine it would be a lot different . AMD made Mantle open to use for Nvidia, but they don’t want to, and that’s sad since Mantle would allow Linux users in the future to have same performance as on Windows. And if Nvidia would also support Mantle, Epic would have no reason to not implement it in UE4. You may say Mantle is useless since we will have DirectX 12 in the future, but we all know, it will be exclusive to Windows 10 :stuck_out_tongue:

It obviously won’t be the same performance. And it obviously will be worse. Direct Compute as part DX is inherently slower, since it’s generic API that must fit to everything.

CUDA is specifically designed on top of NVIDIA GPUs to take advantage of those GPUs.

I would say, less conspiracy theories more fact checking.

I’m personally not sure if will change much in that case, since improvment in focus on different areas.

In fact, it’s also easier to work with something you are also developing.
Also, why do you really want mantle if you have opengl?

if nvidia don’t do that compatible that technologies not going to be implemented in the mayority of games.

I not think you want that your game be only nvidia compatible or sell only to nvidia users.

I’m having troubles trying to pack with waveworks, is it packable, or will it be available as soon as it’s officialy released?

Playing with a Boat and dreaming of Buoyancy :rolleyes:

Having troubles with framerates, could be because of the high resolution plane used 500K triangles.
But it could be because of my messy Blueprint code :smiley: