NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

You don’t have to delete the Directional Light, the editor does not crash if only you set the flag “VXGI Indirect Lighting” on every Directional Light in your scene. Hope helps.

i only have one directional light and i didn’t even choose that vxgi indirect lighting box. It opens scene and i try to move something boom crash.

In regards to the Gameworks integrations, there are a few sets that seem to be planned or in the works in 4.8 that I am looking forward to. So in that regards, once 4.8 is released, how soon can we expect for the Gameworks integrations to be ported to 4.8?

In a similar fashion, are there plans in the works to integrate the tech directly into the native engine that we can download via launcher?

Wait, is the “VXGI Indirect Lighting” flag supposed to be set to on or off?

He says it must be **on **to not crash.

oh snap! man i really need some sleep. Thank you !
keeps crashing :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow how did I miss that?

Maybe we should just stay away from directional lights for now.

Yea. VXGI and it’s errors still behave a bit random. But it’s still a beta.

And I so need a better graphics card for it… let alone a better CPU. Shader compiling drives my CPU to 83 degrees core now, and VXGI shaders take extra time. Im already afraid to let it compile them.

Is it possible to create blueprint based on Flexsphere or other Flex actor. When I create blueprint based on FlexSphere it is not working anymore. So I’m looking for a way to add FlexSphere(soft body physics) to blueprint. What do I have to do to achieve goal?

Btw. The actor is not changeable when FlexSphere mesh is in blueprint as a component. So I can’t choose FlexActor.

But its worth enough xP

Yeah… or switch back to older version! which i dont have xD
by the way. VXGI working perfectly with interior scene. Im falling love with emissive materials and spotlights oh my god.

Maybe for exterior we should just use massive *** spotlights :smiley:

I started using VXGI for my project now (haven’t looked into Flex yet, but I should). These are just a few screens from a slightly modified Highrise Map (the map which comes with the ShooterGame example; I use it mainly to test or try out stuff since I don’t want to waste time on making maps before the mechanics work properly). I wished we had a spoiler tag…Sorry for anyone who is on mobile or similar…
Anyways, click on the pictures to get the full resolution, I would recommend to since you can see more than in the thumbnails.
Also I left the VXGI settings on default, except for the range which I set to 4096. I left specular tracing disabled (I still need to add the SSRs) and also disabled eye adaption in the night pictures. I almost forgot to mention that the shadows look so crappy because they are set to high instead of epic, prevents the engine crashes for me. I used a directional light, the emissive materials and a very weak skylight (intensity 0.2), if anyone wants to know that.
Hope you like them :slight_smile:

No idea about official support, I suspect at the end, but I will be keeping my branch up to date with the latest changes from NVIDIA and the latest versions of the engine.

No issues . I created a Blueprint class based on Flex Actor and choose the FlexSphere asset and it worked ingame. I also placed a static mesh actor into the scene, converted to a Flex Actor, and then converted that to a Blueprint Class, and again worked correctly in game.

I’ll do that after HBAO+. Ive been getting a bit carried away with Flex at the moment.

Yeah why not? xD xD

I haven’t noticed any issues using directional lights with vxgi in 4.7 (apart from the light leaking of the vxgi), and I’ve got everything set to epic. What graphics card are you using? I’m using a gtx780.

Probably not at time, Im only focusing on the NVidia products, mainly because I am using them in my current project.

Im running a gtx970 and its pretty much a given crash in any of the template levels using a directional light, haven’t tried in my own scene, so in fact it might be something else, that removing the directional light fixes none the less, will experiment some more when I get a .

i’m trying to get distance field shadows working with vxgi. so I’ve got the distance field shadows rendering, but can’t seem to get them voxelized. There is something turning off projectedshadowrendering when distance field shadows are turned on and it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with bRayTracedDistanceFieldShadow.

in the original 4.6 version of vxgi I was able to get it sort of working but only when I selected an object would its distance field shadow get voxelized. I suspect all has something to do with the DrawDynamicElements function. I am currently messing around with but am having no luck.

Same , I also use a GTX970. Would be interesting to know if anyone with another 9XX GPU experiences these problems.