NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

So at the moment nvidia are working on a multi-bounce solution.

In the meantime, now that has integrated vxgi into 4.7, allows for dfgi to be used with vxgi.

Like I predicted a while back, the 4.7 implementation of dfgi is screenspace based, and samples scene color:

dfgi turned off:

dfgi turned on:

's a scene that’s entirely lit by an emissive sphere (notice the color bleeding which is only possible with at least a second bounce):

Its nowhere near the quality that a true multi-bounce solution will give you, but nevertheless its an interesting start.

One I noticed with 4.7 implementation is that whenever I click on an object, it turns off its vxgi effect while its selected.

One I noticed with 4.7 implementation is that whenever I click on an object, it turns off its vxgi effect while its selected.

Yeah I noticed the same thing, I had to rewrite some of the rendering, its possible that I did not translate it 100% correctly.

Hahaha ^^ I had it the other way around when I first started it up.
“Why does my FPS tank when I don’t have my landscape selected?”

Not too sure how far I’ll get with , my GPU just isn’t quite up to it.
Maybe I should try not sloppily sculpting things and throwing them in =p
It’s been a long day.

Edit: Awwright! After some super sloppy decimation of meshes fps is back up to near acceptable levels.

I had a similar problem when I tried to get distance field shadows working. You might’ve missed transferring the vxgi somewhere in the code which covers object selection.

I take it that you did a findall search for vxgi and copied all 2057 lines of modified code to 4.7?
must mean that there is some code that is indirectly affected by the vxgi code.

Hello friends,

Sorry for my absence these last few days, and many thanks to and everyone who are working together to upgrade and merge the GW branches. I’m back on it it now, I was a bit distracted after GDC with other issues. The FleX-026 upgrade is in the works, people are hard at work on HairWorks, and the VXGI team is working on some improvements too, so we should be able to move everything ahead in the coming weeks.


Hi ,

will you be adding ShadowWorks to UE4? If so when?
I’d love to see it in UE4!


Hey ,

I just came across thread the other day and finally am going to be setting some time aside to test out tonight! I didn’t realize GameWorks Integration is already far underway as well as VXGI finally being available in UE4. Right after it was announced, I was dying to try out after it was said to be coming first to UE4. I saw the Nv branch but have been very busy lately and didn’t dig deeper and might’ve lost it seeing VXGI in there. I was so happy to see thread up . Thank you so much for getting going and to all the teams working on the implementation and advancing the tech. Flex is seriously going to unlock a lot of new ideas for more physics based games. I remember Tom Petersen talking about it when the 980 released or more specifically VXGI with Shrout. I’m going to give a shot but seriously, what NVIDIA is doing and it’s commitment to game developers and innovating the space is amazing. I’ve been on the green side of the force since the NV1. I think it came with Daytona USA and like Virtual in some crazy big box when Electronic Boutique wasn’t in GameStop. And the fact you’re ex-Ageia and still rocking hard evolving farther really goes to show how great of a company NVIDIA is. Keep up the great work and thanks for putting in the time to get up and running into 4.7 so the community could access it. Man I’m excited to check out! Thanks again!!! :smiley:

EDIT: VXGI now supports more than 1 bounce?! Wow, keeps getting better.

I’m playing with the 's merged build and noticed that saving material after setting them for VXGI takes sooo long…more than 2 mins per material. Is it something that will be improved in the future? Other than that, good job!

Also, is there a way to tick ‘‘use vxgi’’ on all materials at once and go afk for a while? :slight_smile: It’s painful when you want to make a conversion and your scene already has many materials. Still much less painful than uv unwrapping tho! hehe.

Instanced material will help you. Just make one main material and instance it :smiley:

Good tip, thanks!

has been an since the first build. I even posted it as an but haven’t got any response on it yet.

They’ve already got an HBAO+ branch.

Dang it. Even Galaxy man’s merged one giving me error.

Remove the directional light from the scene, appears cascaded shadow maps causes crashes. Am looking to see if its something I have missed in the conversion, but going back a few pages I saw another person report the same thing for the NVIDIA branch.

what the hell. I was searching through codes… man… thank you

I’ve had another think about and realise that when an object is selected, it is immediately removed from the voxelization. must mean that rendering a selected object is done separately. In the 4.7 code, the entire function FInstancedStaticMeshSceneProxy:: DrawDynamicElements in InstancedStaticMesh.cpp is missing, which means that they must have replaced with some other methodology.

The whole primitive drawer concept was removed, and replaced with GetDynamicMeshElements. way they can cache the dynamic mesh draw list at the start of the frame and reuse for all passes (since they also cache the relevance). I have changed the code to match, but I suspect its not working correctly. During my debugging the mesh list was never populated, but I suspect is because I don’t actually call GetDynamicMeshElements myself.

I “shift select” the materials, then right click choose “asset actions”/“property matrix” and tick VXGI part.
Since some of my assets/city´s have 100+ materials it´s very useful if not crash :slight_smile:

I also found the shader compiling to be a problem. Use the property matrix to tag many materials as suggested or base everything off a material.
I’ve still yet to change my from a simple base diffuse color with parameter because it took so long to compile that. :wink:

For anyone having crashes with VXGI in which the logs says something about CascadeIndex, try to set the Shadows under Settings->Engine Scalability Settings to high. The crash only happens when I set it to Epic, otherwise it works for me. Maybe it helps some people.
I’m not sure if you can set it up through ini’s (should be possible), but I haven’t tried that.
