NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

I’ve also noticed that. But in some cases I’ve found out that it’s the light itself that is being turned off while I’m not looking at it and the camera is not inside the Spotlig volume.

edit: No, it’s not the lights… I did some more tests and turned out the shadows stuff is actually resolution changes that UE4 applies on them when I get far from the spotlight. And the direct light turning off case was just the voxels near them not being generated while I’m not looking at them. You are right.

to VXGI developers: I just realised another way to optimize performance - you can create a way for users to select a low-poly version of each mesh that would only be used for the voxelization pass.

P.S. I still cannot post new issues in github

I noticed too once something gets culled from rendering it impacts GI, and if you stand in Directional Light shadow it seems to switch off GI. Though all seems a bit random.

And there is no AO from VXGI that I would notice, but using the viewport controls in the upper left I was able to confirm UE’s AO and HBAO+ do add up to each other (can switch them on and off there).

Further if I enable VXGI’s specular nothing happens and SSR’s aren’t disabled.

is strange… SSR and VXGI specular just won’t add up no matter what… I can clearly see the SSR disappearing when I turn VXGI specular on… I say that because if the scene has no first bonces on sight, the little SSR reflections just vanish when I turn VXGI specular on and there is no reflection at all… I’d like to see how it looks like to combine both of the techniques though…

About the culling system, yeah… That is what was pointing out. It should be a way to increase the distance from where the voxels start disappearing when not on sight… But maybe there is no easy way to do that. I mean, if UE4 is not rendering the geometry because of its culling system, the voxelization should be aware of geometry disposal without dependence of UE4 rendering system… I don’t know, I’m just guessing …

Hey ,

Hope you had a great GDC. Any word on Flex surface rendering?



So, 's what I’ve been doing lately with VXGI. I must say I’m pretty impressed with how much I got with so little tweaking, yet, my input for VXGI is that it still needs to get better documentation and fix some minor issues with the VXGI specularity.

Flex does not work on the graphics card GTX 460?

If you look through an earlier part of thread, I provide a way to enable .

and Apex are both fully implemented and integrated into Unreal Engine 4, correct? Can they be considered core features of the engine?
Their implementation is CPU based, meaning that a system with an AMD GPU could run them and use them, correct?

I would like a clarification directly from Epic Staff, thank you very much.

Im not from Epic, but is a quote direct from them

Now the above is about Destruction, but is the same for Apex, especially the end part of the quote. They are not biased towards a single GPU.

Flex does not work on the graphics card GTX 460?

Doh. Im so sorry. Indeed I made a dumb error by overlooking the console variable and your change to the shader. The first one should have been so obvious. Buuutt. thread is not a thread but a whole kilt. :smiley:


Guys, I just want to know if there’s a version on Github that has all Gameworks. (Flex, VXGI, Waveworks…)

They plan on merging everything later when things are stable.

On my 460 it doesnt work either (in cmd it showed something about not finding shader 3.0 compatible hardware or something, i dont remember exactly). I changed for 660ti and it works ok and the precompiled demo is !

Hi everybody,

I’m an UE4 user but new to Flex . I’d downloaded and built the Flex branch, then opened the Flex UE4 project, only to discover that no simulation seems to be taking place(no collisions between particles against surroundings, or player actor against objects).
I have Geforce GTX 295 in my system, not sure if is enough to support Flex?
Any tip you can give would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

You need a DirectX11 card.

Right, darn…my GTX 295 only does DX10. Thanks for the clarification :slight_smile:
Luckily my upcoming new system will support.

Distance field shadows causing ?? Had the same, turned that off and it all seemed a lot better (in terms of view direction affecting GI)

Does the Unreal integration for Flex allow developers to get feedback from the simulation(eg. contacts, particle position/velocity etc) as well as modify it(eg. apply forces, create/delete Flex entities etc), as per the functionality exposed in the Flex API?
I’m trying to figure out how to build game-play around Flex with UE4 blueprints, but don’t see how can be accomplished…
Umm, is there actually any documentation regarding usage of Flex within UE4?