NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

Thank you very much. Do you have a live twitch channel where you can stream live or other sreaming media links? Thanks !

Have anyone managed how to merge VXGI and HBAO+ branches? I’m getting a lot of conflicts when I try to do that and I don’t know how to fix it…

I think said further up that one doesn’t need to merge HBAO+ to the VXGI as VXGI has its voxel AO or stuff.

The merge errors are easy though, they aren’t real conflicts but git doesn’t know if its right to keep the changes from both branches.

So edit the files with conflict and remove the <<<<<<, ======= and >>>>>> messages until it looks reasonable again (think while you do) and then ‘git add’ the changed file, after you done all files ‘git commit’ will complete the merge.

wait are you guys merging by yourselves?

Why not, that’s not difficult. But upgrading to 4.7 is beyond what Im willing to try. There are then real changes to be made. lol

im new to whole programming thing. I have no idea how github works and was waiting for merged version from . Is it possible to get merged version from you?

Why not, clone it from my github repo and checkout branch 4.6-integrating, it contains the substance plugin and the nv branches. Don’t overwrite files when setup.cmd downloads dependencies.

Though I dont guarantee I did it right, that it works at all, and I don’t support it. If you computer blows, I didnt do it :wink:

And the branch will not be there forever.

Oh man thank you very much! I guess its time to finish my cinematic xD

Yeah I just want to mess around with the combination a little bit to see what kind of graphical results I could achieve… I’ll try to edit the files like you said, thanks! =)

It’s not hard at all. Just download the github windows client, clone the release and you don’t even need to use a console to manage the branches. But I think it’s even easier with the console, just right click on your clone inside github windows client, choose “Open in Git Shell” and follow these instructions:

thanks for that! I’ll give it a try =D

oookay that explains a lot!
thank you!

Great so now I don’t have to test it myself. lol

If I broke something, tell me :wink:

haha with pleasure!

According to schedule: https://developer.nvidia/gdc-2015 Nvidia conference will start soon but there is no link where to watch it. Anyone maanged to find a live stream for ? It seems is at GDC now.

No, didn’t find any live stream for that, but would love to see that though :confused:

hey unreal just became free… Sooo… what the hell? all these gworks comes for free?

You were already getting these GW integrations with your UE4 license, via Github. Now there is no subscription fee for UE4, but that doesn’t change anything with GW.

Wait…there is some live streaming:


So, only for licenses who have their github account associated? I entered that link , but they were talking about robots

The IGN link? Yes, I’m sure there will be a lot of content that seems unrelated to GameWorks and UE4. I’m not sure what you mean by “…for licensees who have their github account…”

For getting access to Unreal Engine 4 source code, you must link your UE4 account to your github accounts, otherwise you get a 404 error, I assume the very same thing will happen (and happens) when accessing the gameworks branch, what I meant is: people that are only having a license for UE4 will be able to get into that branch, or gameworks will remain the same?