NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

They need to add anisotropic shading to the hair to get more realism but UE4 can’t handle that, it fakes it using some inaccurate AA method.

You would have to implement a new/custom shading model, sure. already implemented the Kajiya-Kay model successfully (post 19-21). So what do you mean it can’t handle it?


I am talking about : ://www.3drender/glossary/anisotropic.htm

In some content example map, they talk about it and how the engine can’t get real anisotropic shading in metals, let alone in hair and that they are using some AA technique to mimic it and they talked about it in a twitch live stream too (talking about SSSSS and Fortnite, maybe the stream about 4.5 if I remember correctly). You can check that.

I always checked work and it was great (I wonder what hapepned to him since we didn’t see him for a long long time and I hope he is fine and comes back). There is no way he has anisotropic shading in his model and it is not visible in his work. In fact, he asked to get the code to integrate Nvidia hair works in his model but they refused so He turned toward ATI and got TressFX from them and his work is based on it. Both Nvidia Hair works and TressFx don’t have anisotropic shading. In fact if Epic succeeds in putting it correctly for metals, is already a very big thing.

Edit: is a quick confirmation I just found now: https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?49051-Anisotropy-material

You can find more and more by yourself !

Edit: Found it, starts around 52:30: ://youtu.be/DQt_OopZadI?t=52m30s

Also found it at content examples under Material_Experimental Level:

Do want FaceWorks. For me the most interesting bits are FLeX stuff, and all the character related things (Hair/Face etc.).

I’m well aware of what anisotropic shading is, and I remember that stream. All that these two sources state though is, that it is currently not supported.

As you can see in these AMD slides, TressFX very well uses an anisotropic lighting model. In fact is uses exactly the two methods I mentioned. Check page 7:


Also Cube, it might be a huge hassle, but thread is not really in the correct forum. At point it would make more sense for it to be in the Engine Source & Github section, or maybe Rendering? Not sure.

We would have to leave a long re-director, like 10 days or so… It’s outgrown a request, but might be more trouble than it’s worth to move it. I’ll leave it up to you, maybe we can get some feedback from those who are posting as to where it belongs?

Hey I think is a great idea. Sorry for pestering you while you guys are busy preparing for GDC and thanks for keeping us updated.
Although the reason I was posting the issues is that I’m hoping other members of the community who may have some insights into the code would be able to come up with their ideas or solutions.

Well, if TressFX has anisotropic shading in general , I don’t see any hair technique wether NVidia Hairworks, TressFX, or version could use anisotropic shading in UE4 since it doesn’t (currently) support it in its internal renderer unless they do real magic.


That’s why integrated a custom lighting model. Which is of course necessary, as I wrote in my second post.

From his thread:
“…since I am compositing the hair in the translucency pass, basically need to do standard forward rendering lighting/shadowing.”
“I moved to the translucency stage and am rendering using a kind of forward renderer with a custom lighting model.”

I’m not the right guy to speak of the details, I’ll wait for one of the HairWorks developers to provide that. But I can tell you that the main reason HW-UE4 has been long in the works is that we had to think very carefully about the rendering pipeline, particularly AA and translucency. So I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you see what they’ve achieved so far. Keep an eye out for demos at GDC.

@: Thanks for the info and I can’t wait to see it in action :wink:

Gonna think about it, I think everyone is used to location, however, as thread will be alife for a long time, then it should be in the correct location.

@ , lol how did your firm manage to get Turbulence, Rain FACEWORKS (that I have never seen in any game yet) and other stuff on the dinosaur -should be extinct- UE3 and not on the mighty UE4?

Really sounds weird, or maybe a marketing move since devs still use UE3 and Batman is a famous and profitable game (thus forcing people to get better NVidia cards to run your ) while UE4 is still not maintsream and didn’t conquer the market yet?


if I remember correctly they are using a heavily modified version of UE3 they probably have the source code for the UE3, so it is possible for them to do/add anything they would like. Really excited for game looks fantastic! I do sense a disturbance in the Force maybe you are on the red team? :wink: or is my Yoda whiskers mistaken… :wink:

@ , on the contrary lol! I always hated the red side aka UE3 (maybe a revelation for you), but now I am one of the biggest supporters of the blue side aka UE4. That is why I always opposing AAA devs **still ** using UE3 for new gen and not investing in using UE4.

I don’t think they could use UE4 since they started production on it a long time ago before UE4 was ready.

NV doesn’t get to choose which game engines our developer partners use for their titles. Of course it takes a lot of effort to integrate these features into any game engine, even though we’ve been working with UE3 for years.

It is not like that, Warner Bros has contract with Epic to use UE3 till the end of 2014 that is why Mortal Kombat X and Batman Arkham Knight still use UE3. It is also a smarter move for them to use UE3 to release the game on both current-gen and last-gen platforms (eventhough Arkham Knight is current-gen only). Anyway I hope more AAA devs begin to use UE4 and not just inidies.

You have to consider that many AAA devs most likely use a heavily modified version of the UE3, in which they added all the necessary techniques they need. Re-Integrating those into UE4 takes a lot of time, but as far as I heard Street 5 uses the UE4 already, which I think is a great thing. Hope that is correct so far.

As side note: thread is really messy, it’s hard to actually to find what one wants under all these misc posts. Maybe split it up into a support thread and a discussion thread, would that be an idea?


I’ve proposed organizing support under the Issues interface on Github: /NvPhysX/UnrealEngine/issues. If we do that, thread will focus more on discussion.