NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

Thank you. Is it possible to merge all these gameworks in 4.7?

It should be. I havenā€™t looked at the 4.6 to 4.7 changes yet. If the rendering pipeline changed significantly, it might require some effort to update the various branches, but once that is done, it should combine into a single branch fairly easily. I hope.

Ohā€¦ you just made my day!
Thank you!

are the new features: https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?59923-Unreal-Engine-4-7-Released!

and the full list : .unrealengine/latest/INT/Support/Builds/ReleaseNotes/2015/4_7/index.html

I donā€™t know if the new lighting system for the foliage may interfere with VXGI and your upcoming Turf , you should take a look at it. Thanks !

woa wait. Is Turf coming too? O.O

Yes! Check out the answers in thread, there have been various discussions about it. Couldnā€™t be more excited!

ok, so with the latest vxgi build, Iā€™ve figured out a few more things.

When distance field shadows are turned on (for spotlights), the shadow isnā€™t voxelized. I am assuming that has something to do with shadow depth maps deactivated or not used when distance field shadows are turned on. I have searched through the code and cannot find anything that fixes . Cubemap shadows seem to be a completely different story.

Particles arenā€™t getting vxgi because they are translucent - i donā€™t think translucent materials are covered by vxgi yet. Also they donā€™t contribute to the vxgi (theyā€™re not voxelized) because theyā€™re screen space?

Iā€™m hoping that one day, we will be able to achieve again [Source: Unreal Engine 4 2012 Walkthrough]:


Iā€™ve been discussing the shadow issues with one of the VXGI engineers, and he thinks he sees what is going on, and believes he has a fix for it. Weā€™ll try to get it in there ASAP, but please understand that is a very busy week with preparation for GDC.

One thing Iā€™ve noticed lately is that it is becoming more and more of a challenge to keep up with all of the substantial support issues raised , because the discussion gets mixed in with general questions, and the threads are all intertwined. I think it would make sense to move shadow, and any other big topics, over to the ā€˜issuesā€™ on Github (/NvPhysX/UnrealEngine/issues). Would work for you? If you are willing, please summarize your findings on shadows with point lights, spot lights, etc., as an, and then Iā€™ll see if I can get the VXGI engineers to participate directly. You might separate out translucency and particles into separate issues, if that makes sense to you.

It is a bit inefficient for me to act as intermediary, I think we can make progress much more quickly if we organize the conversation. What do you think?


But please keep announcing new integrations. :slight_smile:

Woa man. Unbelievable! !

ummā€¦ faceworks? xD

From what I can see in our UE4 integration group at NV, Hair Works will probably the next out the door, and with any luck weā€™ll be uploading it to Github soon after GDC.

However Turf is starting to take shape too, and Iā€™d like to open a discussion that will guide our efforts, so that the integration works well from day one.

To start, would anyone like to post screenshots of typical scenes where you are using conventional UE4 features to plant grass, and could you describe the workflow considerations? For example, are you generating grass procedurally?


Is that a vote for FW integration?

Someone made a grass system in UE4, it may interest you: https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?59991-The-wind-blows

if there isnā€™t any vote on that. Yes :smiley: I just cant believe im getting all crazy stuff. I think i have to delay my cinematic video for =D

Sure, consider that a vote counted. We are in favor of releasing FaceWorks, but we have limited budget of time and people, so we have had to prioritize according to demand and other considerations. Iā€™ll inquire as to how much lead time we need to get the FaceWorks integration polished and published.

Gonna put into the first post, and edit it a little bit to make it more descriptive about threads purpouse.

EDIT: Is turbulence planned before, or after faceworks?

@: I donā€™t wanna pester you too much, but could you check on the specular model used by HairWorks, please?

Sorry for dragging my feet on . Iā€™ll ask someone right now, before I forget again.

Do you have any particular requirements in mind? Which specular model do you prefer?

Hrm. Hard to say. Whatā€™s the difference between ā€˜planningā€™ and ā€˜seeing which one comes across the finish line firstā€™ ?

I think Turbulence might make it before FaceWorks. We have a solid integration in-house, but itā€™s on 4.4 and needs to be updated. Last time I tried I gave up quickly, but I need to get back to it. Also, we have a new Turbulence version coming out, with dynamic grids instead of static, plus fuel and temperature terms to make fireballs. The volumetric rendering is still a ways out though.


As for the hair spec, I would suggest the Marschner model:


Followed by the Kajiya-Kay model, which was just recently used by ā€œThe Order 1886ā€ very successfully I think:

From page 33: