NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

It is available to everyone with a UE4 subscription. Anything we post on the Github fork is freely available to UE4 licensees, per the Unreal Engine EULA.

Second image looks more realistic (the one with HBAO+ turned off).

Win 7 64 bits, 's the log !

Yea too heavy. Maybe it gets added up with all other possible AO options, in the first image :wink:

I would guess it was posted more to show what it does rather than optimal usage.
Exaggerating the effect makes it much easier to see the quality.

I tested it with the Gynoid scene and (I imagine) it did add up, the letters in the back got almost black.

It looked much better after I disabled the normal AO post process and tweaked to HBAO+ settings down.

Thanks, do you have an eta. for documentation and/or tutorial videos?

EDIT - Found the documentation, note to self, always look in all the folders.

What? A flex documentation? where is it located?

Those aren’t the best screenshots to show, sorry for that, I didn’t tune the settings at all and personally I like the effect of the heavy shadows in the corners, realistic or not. One of the HBAO+ team is picking a better scene, with better tuning, to show the advantages more clearly. I’ll post them soon.

Basic FleX documentation is :


and the UE4-specific FleX documentation is :


How did you disable normal AO (SSAO)? I want to disbale it to test HBAO+.

There is also a very nice documentation on how to author Flex assets in UE4 located at

Thanks it works: increasing the scale gets you brighter shades and vice-versa.

Thank you for that branch, HBAO+ is among the best (if not the best) AO techniques. still worries me more about the utility and the efficiency of VXGI:if you need to enable SSR and HBAO+ to get reflections and AO with it, while I thought VXGI is able to generate dynamic direct and indirect diffuse/specular and AO according to the movements of the light source(when you the light source moves, of course every resulting effect I mentionned of it changes to some extent according to the lightsource position), without needing any extra hellp from post-process solutions like SSR or HBAO+ (at leats from what your videos tried to make us believe).

Anyway, if is the case, I really hope you create a branch including all game works together so we can enjoy both VXGI and HBAO+ at the same time. Thanks!

I also hope you collaborate with Epic to integrate IBL (Image Based Lighting) in UE4 coupled with VXGI to get the best results with PBR just like Mizuchi engine: watch?v=sYX9I3ONHc4


PS: anyone could help how to disable the normal AO (SSAO), in any scene in general so I can enable HABO+? Thanks !

New example of HBAO+



You do not need to enable HBAO+ with VXGI, there is a ‘Voxel AO’ option within VXGI. We are offering branches for HBAO+ and VXGI concurrently because there is yet no such thing as a single solution for all possible use cases, and developers should experiment with these techniques to determine which is best for any particular game and performance target.

I will be publishing an ‘all in one’ branch with all GameWorks features combined as soon as possible.

Good example, where did you get sych example from? Will you release it?

Thank you very much. BTW, 4.7 is up just right now, please update all the branches and create the new branch for 4.7. Great thanks.

One of the developers on the VXGI team gave me those screenshots, I’ll inquire as to releasing the assets.

I’ll be working on the 4.7 upgrade ASAP, but it will take some time.

, any news about that Automationtool error I got while packaging the VXGI project?

No news yet, sorry. Very busy week of GDC prep. We’ll get to it ASAP.


No worries ! I’m trying to fix it myself, if I found the turn around I’ll let you know!