NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

I read in another comment before (and I noticed that too) even ambient occlusion doesn’t show up in realtime even enabled by the command. Did you manage to make it work? Please don’t tell me you need to enable it using SSAO or HBAO+ or anything else like you did for SSR otherwise VXGI has no use and is obsolete. In the museum video, the person talking clearly showed realtime AO on the dinosaur etc.

Yeah spotlight, point lights are something :stuck_out_tongue: Not working for me too

ain’t there like hundreds of lights though? i could see why it crawled to 9fps.
But anyway, cave lightning, reminds me of game trailer:v=VXAa5TCrUfM[/QUOTE]

LoL, yea, there’s 89 Point Lights. So it’s a bit overkill but still looks cool. :cool:

It appears that because emissive materials are not treated the same as lights, the illumination of the arches by the screens is the ‘first bounce’, so we would need a ‘second bounce’ to see the reflection of the illuminated arches in the floor.

It’s in the queue, but please understand that we are swamped with GDC prep week.

By which command exactly?

To the best of my knowledge, all directly lit surfaces should have been reflected on that specular ball. We’ll look into ASAP, but it’s a busy week with GDC coming up.

EDIT: One of the VXGI guys explained to me, I didn’t understand what the image was saying. It appears that there is a single spotlight in the scene, it is illuminating a patch on the wall directly, and then the light makes a first bounce off of the ceiling, walls, etc., which are therefore lit indirectly; the directly illuminated spot on the wall also makes a first bounce off of the reflection ball; but the indirect light from the ceiling and walls does not make a second bounce off of the reflection ball because VXGI is limited to a single bounce.

We are working on a solution for .

Will you guys show HairWorks for UE4 at GDC?

I don’t know yet.

Told you so !

I thought one: r.VXGI.AmbientOcclusionMode but I don’t know what values to enter to enable it or what does it do to start with.

Regarding ‘told you so’, sorry for the confusion. It seems to me that ‘emissive’ should mean “it’s a light”, but apparently that’s not the way it works in the pipeline. Clearly we’ll need some better solution for that.

I’ll check on the AO modes.

Ok thanks

I hope you show your new GTX1000 and 1100 Pascal cards (which you will) and I hope you will release them ** YEAR** because I really can’t bear it anymore and you know the feeling when you are stuck with sth that can’t do anything. Lol , I really need to cool down, otherwise I will break my laptop, and I need to get a new PC year and I can’t wait for next year. Anyway, I hope you won’t disappoint me. Where can I watch your live streams please? Thanks

LOL. I hate to break the news, but NVIDIA is much bigger than just me. I have no control over GPU release schedules, but I’ll pass your enthusiastic requests up the chain, and I’ll post a link to the live streams when I come across them.

It’s Boolean, just ‘false’ (0) or ‘true’ (1). With ambient occlusion mode ‘true’, there is no diffuse or specular indirect lighting, but there is ambient lighting with its intensity controlled by r.VXGI.AmbientOcclusionScale.

The standard AO solutions (including UE4’s SSAO) should still be supported with our VXGI integration.
The SSAO is applied to the UE base lighting, and to our VXGI Diffuse term before adding it to the scene color buffer:
SceneColor = ScreenSpaceData.AmbientOcclusion float4(GBuffer.DiffuseColor x ScreenSpaceData.VxgiDiffuse, 0);

To see VXGI’s ‘Voxel AO’, try typing “r.VXGI.AmbientOcclusionMode 1” in the console

and then “r.VXGI.AmbientOcclusionScale XX” to scale the AO output by XX if needed; will do AO-only rendering which can be useful to fine-tune opacity voxelization.

Hi, I have downloaded and build the Flex branch, and I was wondering about authoring tools, is there going to be a Maya/ plugin or is it being built in to Lab?

There is no connection between FleX and Lab at point, and none planned. FleX authoring is being built straight into the UE4 editor.


I’ve pushed a new branch, HBAO+. I took these screenshots from a lighting demo level I downloaded in the marketplace. These pictures show HBAO+ enabled/disabled. There’s nothing special required to use HBAO+ with your existing levels in branch, just type “r.HBAO.Enable 1” at the console.



Edit: replaced images with a better example of on/off.

, I’m having issues building a project of mine for testing in other computers (VXGI branch), the “RunUAT.bat ERROR: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully.” is the one I’m getting each time it tries to build the DLL for VXGI, is there something I’m missing?

Is it Win7, or Win8.1? Could you post the whole build log?


I have been following thread for awhile. I am very interested in NVIDIA’s game technology, but I am wondering what the process for getting these working is. Does it require a specific license to use these features, or is it available to everyone?