NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

How do i change the waveworks horizon color? I’ve tried everything and looked for documentation and couldnt find any. It’s driving me insane. I am trying to make a night scene and that is preventing me from doing it. Any ideas? A guy asked i see but he doesnt really explain how he did it. Anyone can give me a detailed explanation?


hi how to merge houdini engine plugin in your 4.21 gameworks branch we tried many time but not work but 4.21 normal branch work fine

please merge https://github/sideeffects/HoudiniEngineForUnreal/tree/Houdini18.0-Unreal4.21 in gameworks 4.21

I’ll be joining the club of waiting for updated Gameworks integrations into Unreal, specifically WaveWorks, however, since WaveWorks 2.0 is announced I’d say they’re going to take that technology and port it to newer releases of Unreal.

I was curious as to what we could expect, but all I could find was an interview with the developers of Atlas, the 3 things you should know article, and the info page about WaveWorks by NVIDIA themselves. ETA was soon back in early 2019, with no more information as of yet that I could find. Does anyone have more information on ? Looking to use WaveWorks in UE4 4.23 / 4.24 / 4.25…

4.1 + Nvidia Blast plugin bundled together with Unreal Engine 4.25


Everything works without any problem so far, also you can change solver type from physics settings to 4’s Temporal Gauss Solver. I remember blast was having a terrible performance with 3.4, but I’m able to maintain solid 120fps with lots of destruction going on with 4.1 at the moment.


Note: You need to build binaries from ThirdParty/PhysX4/BuildProfile_Win64.bat, and you need Visual Studio 2019 as compiler/toolset to do that. Tested only on Windows.

[quote=“dyanikoglu, post:5571, topic:16686”]

4.1 + Nvidia Blast plugin bundled together with Unreal Engine 4.25

can you merge hairworks in 4.25 ? dyanikoglu

I saw your branch “4.25-PhysX4”, looking at the commits it seems very clean. Do you know of any regression/issues with the other features of the engine (tools, animations, …)?

Have you thought sending it as a Pull Request to Epic?

@dyanikoglu are you able to share your demo scene?

Sure, I have it packed in my computer, I can share it tomorrow. (It’s originally from Nvphysx GitHub repository, but I made it compatible with 4.25)

Nope, no issues so far. I can say it’s way more stable than 3.4. Temporal Gauss Seidel solver is .

I’m not planning to open a PR soon, it’s kinda pointless, Epic is working on Chaos, and has no interest on anymore. Also, my branch doesn’t have proper support for other platforms except Win64. I need to sort out that first.

[quote=“samrat333, post:5572, topic:16686”]

I think you won’t see an updated version of hairworks in the near future, it’s “dead” for Unreal ecosystem. I recommend playing around with Epic’s new strands hair system, based on Chaos & Niagara. It’s way more promising.

Thank you @dyanikoglu I found the sample in the NVIDIA Blast plugin: /tree/Blast-4.20

And I was able to play it using your repo :slight_smile:

@dyanikoglu - thank you for making your repository available.

For more realistic results with Blast, I recommend setting depenetration velocity to a value around 0.5-1.0, enabling Temporal Gauss Solver & Stabilization in physics settings.

Thanks, I’ve made those changes.
Are you able to package the Blast Sample (shipping configuration)?
When I try to do so the build crashes. I haven’t fully debugged why yet though. The build crashes in ActionGraph::ExecuteActions (I believe).

Ideally it would be nice to be able to use UBlastMesh on a skeletalmesh. You cannot right-mouse click on a SkeletalMesh and create a BlastMesh from it.
Funny, though, UBlastMesh makes use of USkeletalMesh, USkeleton, and UPhysicsAsset:

USkeletalMesh* Mesh;

USkeleton* Skeleton;

/* The physics asset to use for  blast mesh */
UPhysicsAsset* PhysicsAsset;

a modification I’m going to try if it hasn’t been done already.

I am very interested on your findings, I am using blast on 4.20 and I want to explore more. keep your progress please! thanks

Thanks for sharing !

I am still new to engine building stuff…
I got stuck building the engine version quoted.

I run my Setup.dat and GenerateProjectFiles.dat and then built the solution, but it failed and I got these error messages:

Than I noticed :

That might be the reason is doesn’t build…

Could anyone help me how to build the binaries?

Never done it before…


is a kneejerk reply. I haven’t had time to review it yet and will look at it later if the below doesn’t help at all. My directory most likely will be different than yours (D:\Epic\Blast4.25)

Try double clicking the BuildProfile_Win64.bat in the D:\Epic\Blast4.25\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\PhysX4 folder.

If you want to see what is happening, on Windows you can hold the Windows and R keys and type cmd to run the command prompt. Once at the command prompt change to the
directory mentioned and run the batch file:

D:\>CD D:\Epic\Blast4.25\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\PhysX4

Thanks for your answer!

After I start the bat file it fails with on screen

And in the log

[EDIT 0]
I am re-cloning the repository now and I’ll repeat the process. Please give me a moment.

[EDIT 1]
I am trying to build the VS2019 solution now. Once I am able to test loading the NVidia sample project I will update you .

For the record thus far I performed the following steps:

Cloned the Repository

Open the Visual Studio Solution (UE4.sln)
Set UE4 as the startup project

D:\>cd repos
D:\Repos>git clone https://github/dyanikoglu/UnrealEngine.git
Cloning into 'UnrealEngine'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 22, done.
Updating files: 100% (127484/127484), done.

D:\Repos>cd UnrealEngine
D:\Repos\UnrealEngine>git status
On branch 4.25-PhysX4+Blast
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/4.25-PhysX4+Blast'.

Checking dependencies...
Updating dependencies: 100% (59356/59356), 8647.2/8647.2 MiB | 8.77 MiB/s, done.

D:\Repos\UnrealEngine>cd Engine\Source\ThirdParty\PhysX4
Running AutomationTool...
Parsing command line: BuildPhysX -TargetPlatforms=Win64 -TargetConfigs=profile+release+checked -TargetWindowsCompilers=VisualStudio2019 -SkipCreateChangelist -compile
Dependencies are out of date. Compiling scripts....
ERROR:  ROOT D:/Repos/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/ThirdParty/PhysX4/
ERROR:  Build Platform: windows
ERROR: Using CXX Compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.27.29110/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe
-- Configuring done
  2>------ Build started: Project: PhysXFoundation, Configuration: profile x64 ------
  3>------ Build started: Project: LowLevel, Configuration: profile x64 ------
  ========== Build: 17 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 1 skipped ==========
Took 72.2662051s to run Devenv, ExitCode=0
  2>------ Build started: Project: PhysXFoundation, Configuration: checked x64 ------
  3>------ Build started: Project: LowLevel, Configuration: checked x64 ------
  ========== Build: 17 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 1 skipped ==========
Took 73.6843956s to run Devenv, ExitCode=0

D:\Repos\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\PhysX4>cd ../../../..
Setting up Unreal Engine 4 project files...
Binding IntelliSense data... 100%
Writing project files... 100%

[EDIT 2]
The compile worked, and I was able to load and play the blast sample: