NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

Why ALL of the GitHub links is 404? Can someone actually post a 4.23.1

You need to have your Epic and Github accounts linked to access private UE repo or it’s forks: https://www.unrealengine/en-US/ue4-on-github

. So 4.21 is still the most complete integration of Gameworks for Unreal that is fully functioning? I assume because of the rendering changes. Does Epic have something coming that might make the effort to get things like FLOW working in 4.23 or 24 a waste of time or something? Just curious before deciding to anchor a new project on 4.21. Thanks. Amazing contributions by the way.

Yes it’s basically the 4.22+ rendering changes that stalled . I have Flow running on 4.22 but it doesn’t render anything unless you use it through cascade particles. Porting the actual flow sim to 4.24 is fairly trivial, but the flow’s own smoke rendering would still be broken.

I don’t know if Epic is cooking anything in regards of the fluid sims (besides those Brucks experiments).

How with Niagara you can make a liquid (for example, in a barrel), as in NVIDIA FleX?
Or in which branch is better to write question?

Does anyone have any experience with using FleX and Overlap collision events? I am on 's 4.19.2 branch and cannot get them to work as explained in video: https://youtu.be/GlIVs6SV3Z0

EDIT: Figured out the, apparently it just does not work with Soft FleX objects

hi,thanks so much to developed so much nice things. is there any way to know if NVIDIA developed gamework to ue4 4.22 or last ?also want to know if you still work on update gamework to 4.22?

if you have your github linked to epic account (Iike needed with all ue4 forks) you can see nvidias development : /branches/active. As you can tell by looking at that, they only do RTX work nowadays, there’s been zero updates to traditional gameworks techs for a long time.

I’d like to but the rendering changes kinda make the effort pointless atm. I don’t know enough of the gameworks techs or ue4 rendering internals to redo their rendering code for 4.22+. Some of the techs can be ported to newer UE4, like blast, flow and flex, probably hbao+ too but you still wouldn’t get things like fluid rendering on flow and flex without the rendering code redo.

Blast is bit problematic as it’s being used bit differently now on Chaos, it’s technically part of the ue4 now but it doesn’t work with like the gameworks version did. And HBAO+ usage is quite marginal, especially since UE4 already supports SSAO on forward path now + they have GTAO which is superior to HBAO+ so I don’t know if it’s really worth the effort to separate it again from VXGI branch just to get it running on 4.24 etc.

@: Thank you for the info!it is kind of sad to not have an alternative for flex moving forward. I wonder if Niagara could do fluids and soft bodies like flex. Yeah it is sad to see these bleeding edge tech just left on the side to rot. oh well.

@, thanks very much for your work on gameworks integration. I have successfully built your 4.21-Gameworks branch. I can run the Development Editor, and I can load up the FlexProject, and I can run it just fine. However, I have an with the flex assets themselves.

When I open a flex asset in the asset editor (say, flexBacon) there is a Flex button on the top but no Flex settings panel. See the video link below to see the behavior I am expecting to see: a flex button on top and a flex settings panel in the asset editor (starts 7:45 ish).

I do see that each flexBacon instance does have a Flex settings panel (like in the video), including an “Override asset” button. But there are no Flex settings on the asset itself (or they are invisible), so I don’t know what override button would do or where the flex settings for the instance come from.

is likewise a problem for when I try to create my own flex assets. I can right click a static mesh and choose “Create Flex Static Mesh”. When I open the new “*_Flex” static mesh in the asset editor, I don’t see any Flex settings panel, but I do see a Flex button on the top (although it appears to do nothing, while with flexBacon the particle display is turned on and off). But, just like flexBacon, I can drop it into the scene and see a Flex settings panel on the instance along with an “Override asset” button.

Based on the above note from your earlier test procedure post, I’m not sure whether is something you’ve tested for, and if so do you have any idea what could be wrong with my build or my workflow? is my first time building UE from source, but I followed the instructions correctly as far as I’ve been able to tell.

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!

edit: fixed @ to @

Yeah I don’t have enough time to do full QA pass to test every on these techs, hence some issues may go unnoticed. I do try to check things if people report some issues though :slight_smile: I can check out but there are really high chances that if it’s broken, it’s been broken already on the nvidias original 4.19 FleX integration (which is what 4.21 port is based on).

@fluffynukeit ok, I got it built and checked thing (also fixed latest VS2019 c++ toolchain build while at it). I’m not 100% certain what you are struggling with , are you talking about the settings you can see after you expand the settings from the arrow next to “Flex Asset” selection?


@, thanks for looking into . It was entirely my mistake. Your screenshot helped me navigate and find them in the right spot; I was just not on the correct panel previously. Please chalk up to my UE4 newbishness. Much appreciated and sorry for the trouble.

No worries.To be honest I don’t even get why they want to allow you to hide those settings in the first place :slight_smile:

OK, so I was looking into NVIDIA Flow and I found post . From what I read it has been abandoned and is not available for any UE version past 4.21, is that true? Because if that is so, we will have to reconsider some of our design ideas.

Yeah, we need some real alternative for all gameworks - NVidia tuned up to be unreliable in case.

We need Unreal to add features for soft bodies & fluid simulations, or at least we need plugins for . It’s pretty difficult for to modify the engine themselves to add Gameworks…

Have anyone one heard if NVIDIA or someone else will update VXGI to newer engine versions and maybe there will be VXGI 3.0? Sadly i belive nvidia might have put VXGI on the shelf after DXR was introduced. But maybe there is hope i dont know. In my opinion VXGI beats DXR in many important areas for now.

Hey everyone, geart work with /UnrealEngine.
Does anyone know if nvidia cataclysm works with repo? with 4.21? or just 4.19?

All the work in thread in much appreciated!

Anyone have an with dragging/dropping from Windows into the Engine with these custo-builds? Do I need to build a library before building the engine? Is there a Drag/Drop checkbox in the Engine settings?

I’m sure is a massively stupid question, so my apologies in advance.