Thanks to @ Unreal is in a better state than ever before. After the update fps increased to 80 from 48 on the same scene. (Maybe it will get even higher in the future. :rolleyes: )
It’s good to know that there are people who are dealing with these important topics.
If I wanted to create my own integration of GameWorks plugins, how would I get started?
Learn how git works first, then get a decent mergetool for it and start merging the different branches. There will be some conflicts that the mergetool can’t automatically resolve, so you need to guide it through those.
How I do it: I add nvidia repo as my unrealengine fork’s remote, I fetch nvidia and epics own repo changes, start with clean official release-tagged ue4 base and then I merge whole nvidia tech branches with squash-option so they only make one commit each (for later individual bug fix commits I just use cherry-pick).
If the nvidia branch isn’t for the same main ue4 version, it requires you to manually updade some files. In nutshell, that usually means you doing the engine compile and see what is missing or changed, fix the issues and finally commit a fix for that. Additionally, step involves fixing things that have changed in UE4 build system, so you change related Build.cs accordingly (just observe the diff from other plugins between the engine version you are upgrading from and into).
HI, I want to use Datasmith in your integrated Gameworks 4.19, but in 4.19, the Datasmith plug-in doesn’t seem to exist in the engine’s plug-in directory, so I can’t rebuild it. Is there any way to integrate the Datasmith plug-in in branch?
Hi, any reason why you haven’t merged Cataclysm?
If it’s a regular UE4 plugin which you can install through Epic launcher, you will see the plugin in UE4 binary installation folder under plugins/marketplace. Like mentioned for the substance-plugin, you can just add these into your own project by copying the files from that Marketplace folder into your projects Plugins-folder, make sure you have at least some c++ class (if you don’t, add some c++ dummy file), then regenerate the solution file so you’ll get the new plugins included in the build, then just open the solution file and build the project, it will build projects plugins at the same time.
That is, as long as the plugin comes with integration source code (haven’t seen a plugin that doesn’t have that but then again, I’ve never used Datasmith).
are a couple quote from thread in which we explained how to grab and merge those various technology together.
It’s some elementary version control knowledge that is extremely valuable to know.
Hi, I’ve tried to build a plug-in in your way, and many other plug-ins can be built in way, such as substance-plugin, and they can all be rebuilt. But Datasmith is made by EPIC, and in the 4.18 of the engine I can find its folders under the plug-in path, but when I try to rebuild them, I’m prompted to build an error, maybe try to handle it manually in the source code, and then I try to build them in the 4.19 edition of the branch, but the 4.19 version of Datasm The ith plug-in does not appear in the plug-in directory of the engine, but I make sure that it has been installed. It seems to be intentionally hidden or encrypted by Epic authorities. So it can’t be rebuilt in the engine branch? The Datasmith tool is really important, but I can’t seem to find the way to use it in the branch.
Helo, why do you no longer support Flex in your assemblies? I used your build in version 4.18.3, everything worked stably. I do not know for what reason, but other people’s builds of versions 4.19 heavily load the system.
I replied to question before:
I wish Nvidia would give some estimate for . If new Flex is not coming for 4.19, I might as well throw the old version in myself.
Yes nvidia!!! is Flex 1.2 coming to 4.19? please let us know!!!
I’ve asked internally, and the answer is: “Yes, we have the integration done. Just doing some testing before we push.”
Sweeeet! Great news, thanks for that update !
Hairworks doesn’t show up properly in planar reflections atm. It would be nice of someone could look into that.
[COLOR=#222222][SIZE=16px]I’m sorry, I missed message! And thanks for the answer![/SIZE][/COLOR]
HairWorks for UE4.19.2
[quote=“Nocturness, post:4638, topic:16686”]
hi guys some test VXGI 2.0 VXAL
voxel size=1
mapsize XYZ=128
some trouble with contact shadows. need advice
VXGI 1.0 testhttps://youtube/watch?v=Ts76Y_828Hk[/QUOTE]
@Nocturness I put in a fix for contact shadows for VXGI1
Not sure if it still applies but it might.
So I’m having some issues with my engine and I have tried rebuilding my engine and the light mass also multiple times I have tried 2017 visual studio and 2015 and I keep getting error when trying to build the lighting swarm failed to kick off I need some help please and thanks!
Hey guys. I tried downloading : https://github//UnrealEngi…4.19-GameWorks
I build it and the engine started, but there is nothing of these features when i start.
FYI is my first time building with Visual Studio.
Maybe i am missing something?
Sorry if is the wrong place to ask about .
Thanks for reply guys!
, you are great !!
Your 4.19 gameworks branch is !!
Thanks very much
It’s possible add waveworks to your branch ?