NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

Check the sample projects at project root. I haven’t organized them time around so they are kinda scattered around, they are on same folders where individual nvidia branches place them.

I’m avoiding waveworks for two reasons: the version we get is CUDA only, so it only runs on Nvidia GPUs. Other is that last time I checked, some shader overrode some surface normal math that Flex did differently so would probably make that shader to have some unwanted effect on Flex if both were enabled on the same build.

Why do you don’t include Flex into version? I am waiting it so much :slight_smile:

I accidentally downloaded the wrong branch haha (epic games one) :o
Some How VXGI wont enable. iw enabled it in Material, Post effect and Directional light but nothing seems to happen.
Same with HBAO+
Thanks anyways tho. Both branch and reply :slight_smile:

I’m looking forward to your 4.192 Flex integration. I’m using your 4.192 version now, and it feels good. Also, ask the official Datasmith tools that don’t seem to be able to integrate into the branch engine. He seems to have been encrypted or what else has he done? It can not be rebuilt in the branch.

Sorry for noob question bt i downloaded 4.19-GameWorks and i found Victory Plugin in my new project, is it something you added it to the engine?
Thanks a for branch.

I think you need to enable HBAO+ with cvar if I remember right, VXGI should work once you enable the relevant settings in PP volume. I’d start by checking the Nvidias VXGI test levels from Samples/UserContent/ (/Samples/UserContent). VXGI test levels are bit hidden, I didn’t have time to move them around into more logical folder. It also makes it bit more tedious for me to keep the samples up-to-date if I do as now I’m just keeping the samples on same folders as they are on each nvidia tech branch.

Few has asked already, I’m still waiting for official Flex 1.2’s UE4 integration to appear before I merge it. It’s coming so it would be pointless for me to manually fix the old 4.17 integration to work on 4.19 as it would still use the older Flex. Flex 1.2 is especially interesting as it features plastic deformation now so it’s definitely worth the wait.

My UE4 branches don’t have Victory plugin, so I think you’ve gotten 's 4.19 branch instead (his does include that).

I can’t tell about datasmith myself, I’ve never used it nor could I integrate it myself due to the licensing involved around it.

Thanks got HBAO+ Running trough cvar. But still the same result on the VXGI map by nvidia (CornellBox) no GI at all.

I will try to download and build your other branch with just vxgi/flow to see if GI shows on that one.

Update: I tried the other branch the same there. Is it just me having ?

Update2: i think i found the problem

LogD3D11RHI: Error: VXGI Error: VXGI requires a GPU that supports FP16 typed UAV loads natively (.3) or through NVAPI (+) when ambientOcclusionMode = false (GI_Base.cpp, 366)

LogD3D11RHI: Warning: VXGI support is limited to occlusion-only mode on GPU.

So my guess is VXGI 2.0 only supports and onwards?

Nvidia States on github ‘‘Minimum: a 64-bit Windows 7 system with any DirectX 11 class GPU’’

I dont really understand , haha confusing

FYI my card even supports

@ Maybe we will need a full integration as “FleX + Blast + Flow + HairWorks 1.4 + HBAO+ 4 + TXAA 3 + Volumetric Lighting + VXGI 2”.
I love you so much :slight_smile:

Is there a time frame for a 4.19 version of VRWorks.

Excuse me,How can I get your limit?I can’t look your GitHub.

To get access to any UE4 fork, you need first to link your github account to your unreal engine account:

Guys, is there a way to make lightning affect the water surface in WaveWorks? Lightning set up doen’t make any changes to how the ocean looks like.

Thank you!

I’ve got crash when opening map:
Assertion failed: IsViewportValid() [File:N:\UnrealEngine-4.19-GameWorks-VL\Engine\Source\Runtime\Renderer\Private\PostProcess/RenderingCompositionGraph.h] [Line: 133]

When I try to load map as a sub level I’ve got :
Assertion failed: Status == NV_TXAA_STATUS_OK [File:N:\UnrealEngine-4.19-GameWorks-VL\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\D3D11RHI\Private\D3D11Commands.cpp] [Line: 2295]

I recently changed AA to TXAA so that is probably the cause.

  • I’ve just disabled TXAA - that was the cause

Hey man! I don’t understand your messages, please try to explain more.

Hello dear , The flex 1.2 is out now!

We are waiting for UE 4.19 Blast 1.1.2 + Flow 1.0.1 + HairWorks 1.4 + HBAO+ 4 + TXAA 3 + Volumetric Lighting + VXGI 2 + Flex 1.2 + WaveWorks

Thanks a lot

That is just FleX itself, not the UE4 integration of FleX.

Oh, I’m aware of that, I’ve been testing their SDK months ago. But like SteveElbows mentioned, it’s the Flex SDK, not the UE4 integration. Also since only exists in Nvidias GameWorks repo and not in their UE4 fork, I’m not allowed to distribute the Flex 1.2 SDK source code myself due to the licensing limitations. As soon as the UE4 integration comes live, it’s bound to UE4’s license and there’s no such limit anymore.

Regardless what happens with Flex, I will not merge WaveWorks myself for two reasons: doesn’t work on AMD and Intel GPUs + it had shader conflict with Flex in past.

@Gomo was that some example map? If so, which one? I tried TXAA with some but not all. Also was on recent version of my repo? There was with TXAA before that it crashed on forward shading enabled, has been fixed a while ago on official TXAA branch and I’ve mirrored the changed to my branch so that shouldn’t happen anymore.

Yes, I seem to have encountered several [Line:133] errors when I use the engine, but I don’t record the details, and then the engine will collapse and disappear. At first I didn’t notice, but later I found that Epic’s 4.192 does not exist. It seems that it appears in Gameworks?