I made a performance experiment with VXGI for open world. (with performance tweaks such as map size X, Y, Z 64) And the results on GTX 980Ti & i7 5930K.
4x4 level with average tree density.
I finally got VXGI 2.0 installed on my computer and I have to say, I’m having a blast with ! As someone who does a lot of offline rendering, real time G.I is the future. I’m finding it incredibly hard to go back to the likes of Vray and Mental Ray after using . Instant feedback is so much more satisfying than waiting for an image to render.
Best of all, I’m doing all on a GTX 960. A $200 card from from 3 years is doing GIobal Illumination at 30 to 60 frames a second!
@. I looked and I cannot find a a branch that has flex and all the other tech, could you please show me where you saw that branch with flex and flow and VXGI? in 4.19?
It was quoted within the last couple pages of thread, when someone asked the same thing. Then a few pages before that. And I think a few pages before that
With the help of [USER=“688828”]MASSIVE Can[/USER], the shadow map rendering performance has been fixed. Enabling VXGI on a directional light doesn’t have a significant effect on the ShadowDepths pass anymore.
Please note that VXGI has nothing to do with ray tracing, unlike the title of your page suggests. It’s voxel cone tracing.
Sure - just don’t enable “VXGI Ambient” in PPV settings.
To clarify:
The r.VXGI.AmbientOcclusionMode=1 setting switches VXGI into a mode where it only deals with opacity voxels, not emittance. Those can be used for VXAO or VXAL.
VXAO is, in a way, a by-product of the diffuse illumination pass. So, if you enable VXGI Diffuse, VXAO comes in for free (if enabled).
Most PPV settings in the VXGI Diffuse group also affect VXAO, because it’s the same rendering pass.
I’m still waiting official Flex integration to drop myself. It’s not difficult to merge the old version, it’s just bit pointless if Nvidia is releasing improved Flex 1.2 soon for UE4 (which I hope they do as Flex 1.2 SDK itself has been out for two month or so). No official word if they are doing however.
Hello, I want to use some plug-ins in the 4.19 Gmaeworks version you compiled, such as Substance and Datasmith, but the Substance copy has been packaged in the past to open the plug-in prompt error, and Datasmith can’t find the way to use it. Is there a way to use these plug-ins? These plug-ins are very important to me, and the unreal engine that uses Gameworks can be very cumbersome if it can not be used.
You can just move the Substance plugin from marketplace folder (from stock 4.19) into your UE4 projects Plugins folder, make sure you have c++ project and then regenerate the project files from .uproject. will generate a visual studio solution which lets you compile substance for the engine version you are using for the project.
I will not add substance plugin in my own merged repo as it breaks UE4 EULA, while it’s a free plugin UE4 marketplace, it’s license doesn’t give me rights to redistribute the source code so I can’t do it myself.
VXGI does work with skeletal meshes? because when i switch to VXGI opacity vis. i dont see skeletal mesh on screen but static mesh of same character is there.