NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

are some test I did with Realistic Rendering Demo








It is a known, we will try to improve the compile times. It is unavoidable that changing the ‘Used with VXGI’ checkbox, or changing the material graph, will force recompile, but hopefully we’ll be able to do something about those compile times.

Which GPU and OS are you using?

Would someone like to try and see how inter-object reflections look? It sound pretty complicated to build a branch so I will wait until I see some more pictures or videos!

Initial result in Elemental with one Directional Light. I’m making a video and will post it soon:


When compiling the engine I got such problems and errors. I never got problems before with any gameworks branch:

Please help me identify them and solve them. Sorry it is in french. Like you know I downloaded the latest zip not github checkout.

Could you give me the exact link you used for the zip? It looks like the zip was made before I committed some missing libs.

is the download link: https://codeload.github/NvPhysX/UnrealEngine/zip/VXGI?token=AIosAfRox0BAAQ_hsZUE1C7SFWZr3xqFks5U5PjbwA==

Before I compiled, I got ane error when I clicked setup telling me that the libs have been modified and would like to overwrite (y/n)? I clicked yes.


Edit: I checked again the download link of the zip now, it is the same link from yesterday that I downloaded, it seems zip doesn’t get updated, or it maybe something else.

Could you please download the zip file and compile it to see if you get same errors? Thanks !

Everyone who compiled the VXGI branch editor, you used github clone and not the zip file right?

I’ve been told: the Cornell Box has a single shadow mapped light and the shadow is taking into account in the VXGI emittance voxelization, so sounds like you might have encountered a bug. Could you point us to a repro map?


@, you are the same who answered me : /NvPhysX/UnrealEngine/issues/4 ?

I’ve been told: the Cornell Box has a single shadow mapped light and the shadow is taking into account in the VXGI emittance voxelization, so sounds like you might have encountered a bug. Could you point us to a repro map?



is from using a point light after starting from scratch. It works for spotlights.
At first I thought it may be something to do with using RSMs in technique (not sure if you do) but even so, the composite lighting should equal indirect plus shadowed direct so there shouldn’t be any issues with point lights.

So I’ve noticed that technique uses cascaded voxel grids (i.e. lower res voxels further away) and it works very smoothly.
Is there a console command for adjusting voxel resolution? I have found through my own experience in VCT that 32x32x32 grid resolution is sufficient enough for high quality diffuse gi - there will be a huge performance boost (which will make using multiple bounces much less intensive). will have an impact on specular gi however, that can be covered up by the SSRs.

amazing. wish you had done daylight too with just directional light.

I tried but I was getting some weird results which I am trying to figure it out. Will post it once I get it. Other than that its really cool and performance is also good, I was getting around 45-50 fps in both “NightRoom” and “NightRoomNoLights” scenes.

Yes, that’s me. I’m downloading the latest zip now to see if I can reproduce the problem.

When you ran setup, did you overwrite the nvapi libs? I chose ‘no’ in the command prompt, and I was able to build UE4 from the solution without error.


I don’t think there’s a console command, but I believe the initialization is lurking somewhere. I’ll look into it.

I seem to be getting specific error; I do not know the root cause of scenario. I built the VXGI branch successfully but Windows 8.1 complains of a missing entry point in a .dll file. Is there an easy fix for ?

I downloaded the ZIP and I cannot find anything named ShaderCompilerWorker

It’s in the UE4 Solution, in VS Solution Explorer panel, under Programs.

No idea on that one, I’m afraid.