NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

Sounds like it to me, I’ll ask around.
‘Glowy’ means emissive?

The The Tomorrow Children (on PS4!) screenshots look really nice. Can somebody tell me about the advantages of VXGI compared to their technology?

We’ll post some background information as soon as possible, regarding the choices we made in VXGI, vs. those of other solutions, and why we believe it is the backbone of a solid, practical approach to GI. Also, we’ll be publishing new demo scenes and starter content much more expansive than the Cornell Box, which we chose to publish now primarily because it met the size limitation restrictions of Github. Stay tuned, there’s much more to come.

is a post I made in thread who has another dynamic GI tech. My post has links for dynamic GI from Geomerics and many links for The Tomorrow Children dynamic GI: https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?44278-Realtime-Dynamic-GI-Reflections-AO-Emissive-plugin-AHR&p=173638&viewfull=1#post173638

From what I understood, The Tomorrow Children tech ditched the octree hierarchy compared to SVOGI and VXGI and uses cascade Voxel based 3D textures instead so it needs artists to fill them and colour them in each intervention while VXGI voxels are generated on the fly and doesn’t need an ectra effort from the artist. Though VXGI is more demanding thus limited in number of bounces and directions while The Tomorrow Children tech can have up to 3 bounces in 16 directions interacting with ray traced volumes.

I hope we get more clarifications compared to the other techs like the cryengine one I posted, geomerics and hybrid solution.

Oh, great, looking forward tio try them. I hope they work on my (almost fried ) GTX660M :cry:

Yes, glowy = emissive. Sorry for slang and thanks for asking around :slight_smile:

…Another thing I was wondering about is how to get VXGI (and other GameWorks products for that matter) into the epic branch (got a fork of it)… but trying to merge the two results in trillions of conflicts.

Sorry about constantly bombarding you with questions ,

But do you have any news regarding surface (and gas) rendering in Flex?

He said it will be coming in a previous thread and we will get them in UE4 with which will have an NVidia demo of those features inside the branch like the previous one, but first, we need to get water/milk/goo/fluids and sand shader in UE4 to start with.

I admit I haven’t tried the merge yet of particular branch. Our goal is to have individual branches that all merge seamlessly to the release branch. Right now the ‘release’ branch of the fork is concurrent with 4.6.1, not 4.7. When I made the VXGI branch, as I did with FleX, WaveWorks and Vehicles, I branched from the ‘release’ branch of the fork, then I merged the changes from another internal branch from the VXGI team, then pushed the branch to the origin and checked it out clean, to fix any files missed because of .gitignore (there were a few). From past experience I believe should mean that I will be able to merge the VXGI branch (or FleX, etc.) back into the release branch of the fork, which is unmodified from 4.6.1, because there are no other modifications. I would repeat process to combine FleX, VXGI, WaveWorks, etc., all into a single branch (also based on the release branch of the fork).

In order to upgrade to 4.7 I would pull that revision to my release branch, make sure it all builds, then merge from the release branch to the other branches, and then pull those modifications over to the all-in-one branch.

Take all of with a grain of salt, it’s the theory of how it should work, but I might be singing a different tune when I start to upgrade and combine all of these. Hopefully we’ll work out an efficient system.

The engineer who is working on the FleX fluid surface rendering has been delayed a few days by competing support work. I hope to see Flex fluid surfaces in UE4 by GDC, but it could slip a bit. The gas/smoke is further out, I don’t really have an ETA yet.

Oh thanks. Glad to read that. What about the sand/dirt shader? In your UE4 sample there is a sand demo with heavier behaviour than water but only in yellow interaction balls. Will we get the sand/dirt shader at the same time as water shader too? I hope so anyway.

I hope so too. :slight_smile:

Whenever I edit a material that has “Used with Vxgi Voxelization” activated every little change results in a shader recompilation that takes ~1min to finish.
It is really difficult to tweak materials way. Is supposed to be normal?

Yes they do, and can be used for day/night cycle.

Ok I tested it even more and before I write I have few requests to everyone:

  1. Download SunTemple demo from Unreal Launcher, and re purpose it for VXGI (disable static lights, and change materials, to be voxelized). And share your results.
  2. Download Elementa/Landscape demos, and tell me if you can turn on VXGI tracing at all. When I try to do it, engine crash. And I dunno if that me, or implementation, does not yet handle very well, very complex (or big), scenes).

Ok now base on SunTemple demo, while VXGI works, it looks quite cool.
But! When I change lighting (start moving it), GI starts to behave very erratically depending on light position, including flickering, and plain disappearing 0o.
It almost look like screen space solution sometimes.
I hope that only issues with my particular combination of hardware/OS, because when it works… It work’s very nicely, it’s fast, and look good (for a realtime solution anyway ;p).

Also. There seems, to be no AO at all. When looking at AO debug mode, it seems ok, but when looking normally, there doesn’t seem be any AO. Either it’s to weak to notice, or idk.

Would be nice to have some settings exposed for AO.

Must have missed that, thank you!

So I tried now… Editor builds ok, but whenever I try to run the Editor:

Pitty… I was looking forward to take a look at VxGI thingy. :confused:

Actually, correct me if I am wrong, but VXGI doesn’t use an octree - just 3d textures. I am not sure yet how they deal with larger scenes, but I believe both techniques are identical (tomorrow children just has additional bounces). I think the key difference is tomorrow children uses cascades (i.e. lower resolution 3D textures at distances cascaded with higher res textures for the area of focus). It may also be that the voxelization techniques might differ.

Doesn’t seem to show the gi for me, even after enabling the usage in the materials and enabling vxgi diffuse in a postprocessvolume.
When i set r.vxgi.debugmode 2, I see the voxelised objects. but when I set it to 3, I see nothing.

Okay, so now I’ve found out that you have to turn off shadows for it to work - doesn’t it support shadows?

@.: Can you check which shading model for specular highlights will be used by HairWorks? Thanks!

I don’t know about VXGI tbh, I was talking about SVOGI from epic, the most ressource hungry technic ever created (that is why they ditched it), it uses octree hence the name, dunno about VXGI tbh. They never detailed it before. Looking forward to read more about it.