NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

GTX 780 with latest drivers on Windows 10.

Edit as for map. From Unreal Launcher ;).

Edit, I’m uploading few screenshots.

Windows 10 Preview doesn’t have in it yet from what I heard, so I hope an update with for windows 10 and an update with renderer comes for the nvidia repository to increase performance.

Actually Windows 10 have (or so at least dxdiag tells), we just don’t have public drivers yet.

GI On:

(yes first is with GI, I don’t know what happen, that when you look at certain angle, there is no bounce)
Gi Off:

So VXGI works on all DirectX11 hardware? Or just on CUDA hardware?

When you move the light source in the viewport, do the lighs and shadows move in real time? Did you try to set up a moving sun to seefit works well in a dynamic cycle theme?

From your museum video : https://developer.nvidia/gi-works , you say that your tech has only one bounce. I saw other techs having more bounces. Do you plan to increase the number in the near future?

All/Windows, not just CUDA; however I wouldn’t be surprised if you find issues with some HW/driver configurations, it’s a new and we haven’t tested it that broadly yet.

I don’t have a timeline for that, those decisions will be driven by the performance/quality dynamic. In our research we found that their isn’t enough quality to be gained from multiple bounces in a real-time game application to justify the performance impact with today’s GPUs. We will continue to refine the implementation as new GPU architectures move into the mainstream.

I tested some cryengine dynamic GI tech with double bounces and I found that double bounces add more to the scene: you can watch the video and download the tech in description: watch?v=8PCnkJBvIrY (you can watch more videos of the same tech in his channel)

Also The Tomorrow Children on PS4 has 3 bounces for its dynamic GI and in 16 directions in an octane rendered scene and characters and you can see the difference btween the 3 bounces in article: ://www.dualshockers/2014/09/03/ps4-exclusive-the-tomorrow-children-shows-its-amazing-lighting-technology-with-new-wip-screenshots/

I know both are different from your tech, but still more bounces add more life and realism to the scene.

Anyway:Looking forward to see your Pascal and Volta cards. You will present your Pascal cards at GDC right? (please say yes, cus I will be one of its first buyer :smiley: ) !

@. Any words on Turf ? Really excited about hearing more. :slight_smile:

He said in a previous post just a page ago, that Turf will be out after GDC, but Hairworks may get released while GDC is running :smiley:

Thats great that you didn’t lock it to your brand!

That is mostly because there are meshes there that are probably blocking the light casting. Weren’t there some “lightshafts?”

Keep in mind they aren’t Nvidia natives they were (and maybe still are) Ageia devs, those are the real wizards who did and do all fancy tech.

Actually, the VXGI tech is coming primarily from NVIDIA Devtech. Some of us ex-Ageia guys are helping out.

more pic pic pics ppl. i beg of you.

EDIT: Inside, is that without any skylight?

EDIT 2: I have GTX 760 4GB is that enough? I want to try it on friday, need to know.
I want to see some color bleeding. maybe the realistic render demo.

One question, I’m downloading everything needed to run it: Do I need a directional light for to work out? Or unlike LPV, works for any kind of light?

I just now tested it without needing to have any light what-so-ever :smiley:

you may wanna activate VXGI Specular in the PostProcessVolume though, otherwise it looks odd…

@: Specular return light color for glowy things but everything else is pure BLACK…bug?

Do not overwrite those changes; it will replace those libraries with the stock libraries provided by UE 4.6 :wink:

GDC 2015 spoiler :wink: