NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

I build it after, for obvious reasons (;. (didn’t know it won’t work before I build engine).

Anyway. I tried it on Elemental map, and… I can’t get it to work. I enabled VXGI on directional light, and in post process volume, and… nothing happens.

Hmm. Sounds bad then. Did it work in the Cornell Box sample provided in branch?

Yeah, cornel box works just fine, so I guess I miss some magic setting somwhere.

Have enabled: “Force no pre-computed lightning” on the world settings?

Yeah, But I found magic setting:


Unfortunetly, it plain crashes engine, on elemental map.

Maybe is a problem with your graphics card?

You telling me that my GTX 780 is not enough ? ;p

Ok more tests.
Enabling those settings, doesn’t crash engine, but they also doesn’t change anything. Still no GI 0o.

Hello friends,

Sorry for the delay in VXGI, and the rough start. I had to do some unexpected travel last week prior to Friday the 13th, and also the VXGI team needed extra time for last-minute changes. I was just trying to figure out shader compiler memory problem when one of the VXGI developers pointed out that you already figured it out! Very pleasant surprise there.

Also sorry for whatever rough edges are coming up, we haven’t had the luxury of testing on absolutely every combination of GeForce card, OS and driver. If you have a crash, please update to the latest Nv driver if you haven’t already, and let me know the model of graphics card, OS version (Win7, 8.1, etc.), and anything else you can think of. We will try to reproduce these as we go along. I’ve opened non-VXGI maps successfully in branch, so I doubt it’s very widespread problem.

Regarding TurfEffects, I don’t think we’ll see a UE4 integration until post-GDC, things have become rather busy lately. On the bright side, we might see the HairWorks integration up by GDC.

I run the VXGI maps on a 680, so you should be fine to run it.

I uploaded a brief overview doc to the repo, it’s in the UnrealEngine directory. It’s too big to attach , look for UE4_VXGI_Overview.pdf.

Thanks I see I missed setting in material.

As for my crash with elemental demo:

I’m using
Windows 10 (latest)
i5 4670k OC 4.3Ghz
GTX780 (no OC).
24GB of ram.

Log file doesn’t show anything useful, I might try to run it later from visual studio.

Where do you put these commands please?

What do you mean? setting material for what? Lights?

I’m still on Win7 myself, not sure if anyone on the VXGI team is using Win10, but hopefully that’s not a problem. I’ll ask around.

Welcome back and thanks for the upload you and the Nvidia team. :slight_smile:
I downloaded the first zip file and I couldn’tgenerate project files. I was still downloading the new version from zip after adding NVAPI and I just stopped it after I saw you uploaded an overview doc. Does the zip file get upated too and where do I find it in the new zip? Thanks !

Those are console commands.

Yes, sorry for the hiccups. The zip should be updated automagically by Github. I think they zip every time there is a checkin, or something like that.

Thanks for the info. Where can I download whole presentation of ? Also he said he set materials for sth, I can see materials settings but what for? Are they for meshes or for the lighting itself? The main console variables are for the source code in C++ right? (sorry I am just debuting).

It’s in the root directory of the repo, the latest commit added it. Three slides is all there is right now, I’m afraid. is the other useful one:

The materials settings are near the bottom of the rollout panel in the materials editor:

Ok. I finally managed to run it and are my few cents:

  1. Specular GI, is extremly slow, it add 15ms, to SunTemple scene. I won’t consider it as issues as long as metalic surfaces, will be able to work with build in reflections.

  2. Diffuse GI is fast. With diffuse GI only it runs at 15ms, which I guess pretty acceptable (;.

  3. It looks good. Though, it’s to notice any indirect shadowing on SunTemple map.

I really like it overall. Going to test on landscape map.

What I noticed though, that on SunTemple when you get to fist closed room, and look directly at windows, on left side, GI just stop working. Zero indirect lighting.

What really impresses me most, is that method despite only one bounce, can be easily used light entire scene, without using sky light.

Which GPU are you running?

And where do I find the map? Could you post with/without screenshots?