NOVEMBER GAME JAM: Win Subscription Time! Theme Announced on Thursday's Twitch Stream

Hi Guys

I hope We’ve understood correctly the theme. (I am not native)
I have maneged to finish my first UE4 game with my friends little helps. I had lots of fun during the developing. I hope you will have fun.

One Key for Two Game.

You are a gamer. You don’t have much time so You want to kill two bird with one stone, playing two games in same time:D
Just play with Space Button.
And look around with mouse.

Have Fun:)

Team Name: Xwekta
Team Members: Me (YCT, Yekta Can TURSUN) My Friend (Zeynep Erol)
Name Of Submission: Two Games With One Key

Two Butterflies One Stone


Throw stones at butterflies.

Team name: Team Alexotronic
Members: Alexotronic
Name: Two Butterflies One Stone


Kill 4 in one throw for easter egg

We’re running into problems packaging our project. Do submissions have to be cooked?

Team: TostiGames
Team Members: discobonzi & Niekj
Name of submission: Fly until you Die!



It’s a 2 player-1 screen flying game. If you crash, the other player gets a point. First to 5 wins.

Player 1 = Blue Plane.
Controls = W + S

Player 2 = Red Plane.
Controls = Up + Down

We livestreamed pretty much all of our progress:

Hope you enjoy!

Sorry to hear of your packaging issues :-/ , what’s going on? The goal is to get others to play the game without having to have the engine to compile, so that’s why cooking is a requirement.

Our build is failing due to a copy of a blue print that’s no longer in the directory. It was a copy made by windows so there’s a space in the name.

Just posting to say that the problem skyler is talking about is solved, there was a file that was not being used that had a space in it which the engine cannot handle (for some reason). It does therefore not show up in the content browser but is actually there and blocks any attempts at packaging.

Stone Skipping Simulator

Project Name: Stone Skipping Simulator
Team Name: Hawk Vision Games
Members: Kyle Hawkins, Rich Murphy

**Link: **Stone Skipping Simulator

Goal: How many skips does it take you, to hit all of the fake ducks on the lake?
Controls: Use the mouse to look around, and left click to skip your rocks.


Team Members:,(Me),Kit Sune.
Name of Submission: Ice Pack
Description:Collect the gems to save your friend and return the color of the world(while being snowman)



Download Link.
Hope you enjoy our jam project.

Two Birds One Stone

Objective: literally hit 2 birds with one stone in one stone throw! (They are evil birds and must be dealt with!)

Controls: W,S,A,D to move; Hold Mouse1 to throw further.

Here it is, complete with bugs & all, dl link: Here (dropbox link)
If we had more time we’d of implemented a first person slingshot, improve bird ai and sounds, optimize and compress final build & bug fixes.



Team name: Triple Threat.

Team members: Josh (PhoTek), Dave (razzerjr), Billy (Mobius1ne).

Enjoy & good luck to all!!

OK, so was a lot of fun! Never done a game jam before, so it was an interesting experience.
take-away: you can get a lot of stuff done when getting stuck in analysis paralysis is out of the question. That’s my usual state otherwise. But time around - so many dirty hacks and terrible assets in such a short time. Gets results, shockingly enough.

So… uploaded with 2 hours and 14 minutes to spare…

Project name:

  • Clicker Ops [double squash]

Project binary (Windows) here:

Team members:

  • Cykelpimp (sound FX and music) (no, he’s not registered on forum)
  • **** (everything else)



Generally speaking, was heavily inspired by one of the first platform games ever (Space Panic) and another classic (Impossible Mission) but all translated to a first person perspective, and adapted to the theme at hand.

I’ll probably spend some time polishing later on.

Here is the download link of my game:

Team Name: MarkSoft Interactive
Team Members:

  • Antonio Ortega Moulin
    Game Name: Destroy two objectives with one missile




fire with spacebar
explode misil with space bar
control direction with mouse (you can slightly move the missile while in the air using the mouse after firing)

Destroy two green spheres with one missile.

Gameplay video:


Team Name:
The random dudes (note: we met a day before making our game and during the live stream at the start of the game jam, destiny brought us together(cheeeeesy)).

List of Team Members:
Dissonanceint - Sebastian Villarroel (Technical artist)
Kuro1n - Maximilian Mellhage - (Artist)
skylerWithAnE - Skyler Evans - (The magic guy (Programmer))
ReckLess - Ron Seaman (Artist)

Name of submission:
Rock paper bird!

Versus Mode: Compete against another player over 8 fragments of a glowing rock. Get them before the enemy does, prevent him from getting them, steal them from his nest or even get rid of them! The player with the most rocks by the day’s end wins. Play offensive or defensive or a blend of both. Multitask. Kill 2 birds with 1 rock! (requires two controls).
Exploration: Explore the world and art.

WASD and mouse for moving about and Boost/Attack - Left Click/Right trigger. In order to play two players you will need two controllers for now.


Download link! (55MB)](

Download link! V2 (56MB)](

Shooting Birds

AHHH hope it’s not too late!!!

Here’s our One-Keyboard Multiplayer Pigeon Simulator aka Shooting Birds.

Mission objectives:

  • Mark people
  • Capture the stone to get better score
  • Beat your pigeon friend!

Player 1: W/D to move, SPACE to fire
Player 2: LEFT/Right arrow to move, NUM0 to fire

DOWNLOAD: ://www.michalorzelek/blog/wp-content/uploads/ShootingBirds.rar





Team Name

Team members:
Paweł Miniszewski
Michał Orzełek
Paweł Siech
Mateusz Więch

Name of the submission
Shooting Birds

More info at: www.michalorzelek/blog



Two Birds with One Stone
Title: Escape from Graydania
Team Name:
One Man Team:
Feedback would be much appreciated (see readme for details)
Description: Sarah and Shockey are two bandits on the run. Help them escape a strange land in order to accomplish each of their goals.
You play from an inside the vehicle perspective. You must avoid traps, complete stunts, and survive to learn more about land and to complete your mission.
Also compatible with oculus rift for a more immersive experience.

Download Link: https://www.dropbox/s/bb8l7v0zn44nn42/UE4_NovGJ_EscapeFromGraydania.rar?dl=0

W- Forward
A- Turn Left
S- Reverse
D- Turn Right
F- Horn
F12- restart game (in case you flip over)
F11- Alternate view (in rift)
Controllers are also compatible with game
RT- Forward
LT- Reverse
Left stick- steer
(If you are using oculus rift, use alt+enter to get to full screen while the rift is in direct mode. The camera will be off centered, so press F12 to fix it)

is my first publicly released project. I’m still a beginner, but learning new things in the engine has been lots of fun. I hope you enjoy.
Please send any feedback you can to help me improve. I realize the audio could be much better (I used a TTS program).

Also compatible with Oculus Rift. Needs more optimization though for VR.
Runs at 55-70fps on a Titan Black w/ i7 4790k 16GB ram.

Team Name: chipgw
Team Members: chipgw & his brother
Game Title: BirdRoller

Download Link

I’d include a screenshot, but my internet is working so badly ATM I’m lucky to even have the game uploaded…

Well, I ran into some technical problems with mine, so is more like a tech demo of the game I wanted to make. I wanted you to shoot a flock of birds with special weapon powers and get combos (a play on the theme, with two being extended into multiples in general). I also wanted to use Luck from OneGameAMonth, but never quite got that far.

Team: Better Bug Games
Jason Quesenberry, Lauren Cordell

The one (ha) weird thing is you start with what appears to be a gun equipped, but you still need to choose a gun style and ammo type (u-p, 1-7) before you can fire anything. There’s a readme with the executable that I’ve pasted below.


README for Which Stone
Made for Epic’s November 2014 Game Jam
Theme: Two Birds One Stone
(Optional theme of Luck taken from OneGameAMonth)

Press F to spawn birds (well, flying marshmallows anyway)

Press the following numbers to equip the associated ammo type
1: Regular ammo
2: Splitting ammo - creates additional bullets at impact location
3: Freezing ammo - freezes the target (chain freezing additional targets not functional)
4: Lightning ammo - non functional (works like regular ammo)
5: Explosive ammo - explodes on impact (destroys first contact only. the explosion doesn’t actually do anything)
6: Injection ammo - injects explosives into target, exploding after one second (explosion has same effect as explosive ammo)
7: Duplicating ammo - creates a copy of target, making more targets to shoot with the other ammo

Press the following keys to change weapon style
U: Slug fire - shoot a gigantic slug for easy targetting
I: Single fire - shoot a single, small projectile. Hardest weapon
O: Spread shot - fire a group of small projectiles in a cone
p: Burst fire - shoot a series of single, small projectiles

Escape key - press twice to exit the game

Future wishlist:
Randomly build the number of birds and take control of that away from the player to be able to effectively score things.
Button to randomly assign which weapon style.
Once the weapon style has been selected, press the fire key to randomly assign an ammo type. The player then gets one shot (unless duplicating ammo gets chosen, after which the player can fire again to get another random ammo type.)
Combo style scoring system.
Finish the freezing, lightning, explosive, and injection ammo types.
Track high scores.
Voice announcing for good combos.
Actual bird models instead of fluffy marshmallows.


Team Name: Team JW
Team Members: JW
Game Name: Bowling

Controls: Peck right with P, left with W, Enter to reset.
Goals: Knock down the pilgrims and don’t get cooked on a platter.

is my first game jam. They’re hard. I spent three days making a game based on a mechanic that turned out to be a terrible idea, so I slapped together the most straight forward thing I could today.

404 on your link there, JW :frowning: Also - welcome :smiley:

2 Turkeys 1 Stone :slight_smile:

3d Shooting Gallery - Shoot Targets w/ 2 Turkeys to Score
Single Turkeys on Targets still give a positive score but don’t hit the pilgrims, lol.

Team: 1

Two Turkeys - One Stone

fyi - gig zip takes forever on googledrive

I ran into a lot of firsts in UE for me doing gam jam and it was also my first time to build a release, are all those files really needed for someone to play the game???

So after a long and painful 3 days, of throwing ideas away, and forcing my way thru it all. I feel I have really learned a lot and couldn’t imagine meeting a ‘real’ deadline for publication. OMG
I might have not completely succeded but I don’t think I’ll walk away without thinking I’ve gained a lot.

I’ll try to get a decent playable version out if I can, so at least people can try it out.
Good Luck All

PS: I posted a little better version down below (more playable) to show the actual game mechanics, after testing (didn’t have time to test actual release build) I saw my timelines didn’t run the same as in the editor. And felt bad about presenting the game to ya’ll the way it is posted here. (fixed timeline bug)(well sorta)(fixed is pretty specific)
