Normal Maps on Skeletal Meshes in 4.2 are "Harsh"

I have several skeletal mesh models that are showing very harsh normal mapping in 4.2
As you can see from the shots below, in 4.1 the normals are smooth and match the static meshes around them.

All lighting in this scene is dynamic using ambient cubemaps and shadowed lights.







Here’s a comparison of the same seat. The one on the right is imported as a StaticMesh and the one on the left is a SkeletalMesh.

Hi -

I am in the process of tracking this issue down for you, but I wanted to check are you doing any scaling in the editor with the Skeletal Meshes that are having this Normal issue?

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Hi -

I wanted to confirm that this was your case as well. I am certain this is not expected behavior. I am putting in a report now.

Thanks your help tracking this down and I will keep you informed.

Eric Ketchum

In fact, I am! everything is scaled by 10x (a hack to allow the camera to get very close to things without clipping)

I scaled my skelmesh down to 1.0 and it looks as it should.
Is this the expected behavior? If so, why and why didn’t it do it in previous iterations of the engine?


Did You managed to solve this problem? I have lots of models rigged and animated in maya and they are too small in UE. But when I rescale them I got this same problem. Any idea how to fix it in 4.2?


There’s no immediate fix, but I did play with a hack in the material. I took the normal and multiplied it by Vector3(1,1,Object Scale.z), that effectively dampens the normal map/tangent based on the scale, but it was causing some issues with our workflow and some of the other shader bits so I’m just waiting for 4.3 in hopes that it fixes it.

Here’s the graph:

Hi -

Just an update, we have gotten this fixed on an internal build and it is currently going through QA testing. Still cannot give a firm release date but we are working on getting it our to you.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum