I can’t see what the problem is. The normal map seems to be working correctly depending on the light angle(light is directed from above, right?) If you still think there is a problem check out the normal map texture and make sure it’s compression is set to Normal Map.
No I put a point light on that wall, the normal map only works correctly when in shadows. Sorry that was not the best picture, here is a better one. Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life
You need to flip your green channel in the texture if it’s coming from substance designer. Easy way to tell is to turn off all your other channels if the white on the white channel is on the bottom it needs to be flipped.
If its disabled what you need to do is delete the texture from the project and reimport it. I have had that issue before where it would block the settings it’s from importing and overriding it too many times.
It didn’t work. It is not just that one material that this is happening to, it is on any material with a normal map applied. I feel its something in the editor that is causing it to happen not the textures.