No value will be returned by reference


I create an interface function that has array as input and implement it in an UMG. Then call the interface function as event and the following note appears: No value will be returned by reference.

Here is a screenshot.

I’ve searched on other forums and I’ve found that a similar problem was already fixed (Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-20613)).

But now it shows up on interface event calls.

Hi zaksi,

Thank you for the report.

The bug report you referenced was fixed in 4.11 and I just verified that it is still fixed as of 4.15. However, I believe you are right that they are related.

I was able to reproduce the issue you described above with Blueprint Interface functions. So I’ve created JIRA UE-42333 and our developers will be investigating further. Follow that link to monitor it’s status.



i have the same issue but then with event dispatcher :frowning:

This issue still exists in 4.17. It is problematic for us because we treat warnings as errors in our build process

I can confirm that the issue still persist in UE 4.17

Came across this issue in 4.19 for an array of a specific actor blueprint.

Came across this issue in 4.20 for an array of a specific actor blueprint.

Came across this issue in 4.21 for an array of a specific actor and gamemode blueprint.
Please fix this :frowning: My packaged project, crashes because of this, when using steam :frowning:

Now when i create an array in event dispatcher and try to call/assign it to function i can see the same message on 4.21.2 FIX THIS EPIC PLEASE! :frowning:

Can confirm this is still happening in 4.21.2 :confused:

This bug is open in Engine Ver 4.22.2 please re-open the JIRA ticket, claimed fix is not correct and this issue is severe.

This is still a bug in 4.25.4

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Me the same