I’m trying to Spawn an item, place it in the world, and allow players to pick it up. However, after spawning the actor, when the player tries to pick it up, I encounter the ‘No Owning Connection…’ issue due to the lack of an owner. I’ve heard that objects placed in the World Editor can have this problem, so I tried calling SpawnActor from the GameMode and setting the GameMode as the owner, but the same issue occurred. For your information, the replication settings are completed for this actor, including the actor itself and its internal components. What should I do to replicate this item successfully?
Looks like your player is calling Server_Interact_Implementation() directly. If this is a server RPC you should call Server_Interact() only, and the _Implementation code will be executed by server automatically.
Once you are on server, there should be no issue destroying the actor. If the actor is replicated, the destruction will happen on all clients.