No metahumans are visible in "my metahuman"

No metahumans are visible in “my metahuman” while launching through quixel bridge in unreal engine 5.2. Can anybody help me to resolve this?

Hey, @jobinmichael! Welcome to the forums!

Do you think you might be able to get us a bit more information? What have you done, what was your path up to this point? Did you follow a tutorial, etc. :slight_smile:

Make sure you are signed into Quixel Bridge (separate sign-in from Unreal Engine on the top right of the plugin window)

Hi, Thanks for the reply.
I have followed the tutorial to make the metahuman from a model that I scupted in zbrush. Its available when we login to metahuman creator webpage. But once we open unreal engine 5.2 and login to quixel bridge, “my metahumans” tab is empty. (But 67 metahuman presets are available under “metahuman preset” tab.

Yes. we did, but bad luck :frowning:

Hey Everyone,

If you are unable to see your MetaHumans in bridge, please ensure the bridge plugin is at the latest version (there will be an update available in the Epic Games launcher if it needs updating).

UE5.2 MetaHumans require Bridge version 2023.0.2 (which can be found in “About Bridge”

Hope that helps,


Thanks for the update, James.
But I am using the updated version already.

and still shows empty here

I have the same issue about MH doesn’t show up in my bridge plugin for UE 5.2.1, I’ve been do the same following suggest, unfortunetly it’s not solved yet.

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Can I just check you are selecting the UE5.2 drop down when using MetaHuman Creator? And also signed in to the same account in Bridge and Creator?

If that doesn’t sort it, I would try and uninstall Bridge plugin, and reinstall to engine.

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I have a very similar issue in 5.3.2 with bridge 2023.0.5 (which is up to date). I don’t see “My Metahumans” at all, I only see the presets.

I was going to suggest all the restarting process but some people already mentioned it. Did you tryed to go back to Metahuman Creator, make a small adjustment and then return to check if it is avaiable?

Another point that already happened to me…more than one account lol
Yes, I already created a Metahuman in an account and then in the bridge I was logged in another account. When I discovered that this was the answer I felt so stupid hahaha

Hope that helps

Took me a bit to work it out. I had to sign into Quixel Bridge on Unreal engine

Just open quixel bride inside UE5 and keep it open while you run metahuman on your browser just take a bit a of time, then just reopen bridge the one that is inside UE5 , its works for me, this just take a bit of time to refresh library