I’m having an odd issue with the lights of a scene not affecting a character when he is inside a room, though the character still seems to cast a shadow. Also odd, is that when I pull him out of the room, the lights are completely accurate on him. Any help would be great.
The lights in the scene are a directional light and a skylight with some atmospheric fog thrown into the mix. Also, the light is coming through windows with glass shaders.
I’ve setup a simple scene with a Stationary directional light and skylight.
By default the Directional Stationary light has it’s dynamic shadow distance set to 0 so if you’ve not set that you’ll only see the static light for the directional light.
So that skeletal mesh looks like it’s only being lit by the volume light samples from the static light portion (Viewport > Show > Visualize > Volume Light Samples).
You can increase these by going to the World settings and under the Lightmass section set the Volume Light Sample Placement to a lower value than 1.0.
You’ll see in this image below. The one of the left is using the default setting, whereas the one on the right is using a more densely packed volume light sample placement.
Tried this but to no effect. The odd thing is, if I delete out the windows in the scene, the light hits the character correctly, even if I “Undo” the delete. The, when rotating around with the camera, the character will eventually return to the state of not being lit by the main directional light. It doesn’t seem to have any consistency.