2017/9/20 Sorry to bump again. Could someone just tell me if they’re not seeing issue?
I tried deleting the Engine/DerivedDataCache folder but that didn’t fix the shadows.
The screenshots I posted below are with everything at default. I literally created a new 3rd person template in each case and took a screenshot without changing anything (except for the Editor camera just so I could show the shadow, and lack thereof).
3rd person character casts shadows in a brand new 4.15 3rd person template (all settings default).
3rd person character DOES NOT cast shadows in a brand new 4.16 and 4.17 3rd person template (all settings default).
Initially, I posted the following issue about a skeletal mesh not casting self shadows:
The character in question has 4 materials, one for hair, face, torso, legs. I double-checked that each material has cast shadow checked. I tried mucking with the shadow bias on a spot light that I use to check the shadows.
Edit: Even if I set all the materials to the same, all non-contiguous areas fail to receive the shadow.
I mocked up a static mesh and stuck it in the level. The same issue occurs here.
A couple of questions:
Have you tried building the lighting and is the lighting set to static, stationary or movable?
What happens if you set the materials to two-sided? (on the off chance that is some kind of normals/ back face issue)
Thanks a lot for the help. I just now tried building lighting and noticed no change. I then cranked the lighting quality up from preview (default), to high > Built lighting only and still noticed no change.
I’m testing out in a 3rd person template. Made no changes to the skylight and directional light source, just left’em at default. The spot light I’m using was left at default (static?). I tried setting it to Stationary and Movable but noticed no change.
All character materials are basically default. A few of them have normals and texture masks, but it’s nothing fancy. I tried setting all of the materials to Two sided but it didn’t seem to make a difference. The character has a physics asset but I didn’t make a physics body that would match the shape of the hair (that would take at least 15 different physics bodies to accomplish).
Update: I’ve got UE4 installed on a Japanese Windows 7 64bit Enterprise. Might that have something to do with why no one else is seeing these issues?
I’m using a GTX 670 with the latest drivers installed clean after having DDU’d the old ones in safe mode. Is it possible 670s don’t support these kinds of shadows? I checked it on my computer at home, with a slightly different static mesh, and had no problem with shadows. Material complexity was the same for both the bad one I ss’d and the mesh I tried at home.