I’m trying to make my Niagara System react only to one specific Audio Cue, I’m using the Audio Spectrum node to sample the audio, which takes in a Submix input
The FX responds fine when using “MasterSubmixDefault”, but I can’t find a way to make it work properly using a custom Submix.
I have 2 sound cues, one is a song and the other is background noise, I’m trying to have my FX respond only to the song.
so I made 3 new Submixes, a new Master, one for the Background and one for the Music
Since now I have a new Master Submix, I’ve replaced the Engine Default one for the new one in the Project Settings
Opened both my cues assets and changed the Base Submix accordingly
Now when I assign “MasterSubmix” to my particle system it reacts to all the sounds in the level as expected, but when I replace it with “MusicSubmix” it stops reacting altogether.
I thought the issue might have been that the MusicSubmix is not receiving any audio information making my particle system not react to it.
However, looking at the documentation I managed to debug all three Submixes separately using Spectral Analysis and it looks like the 2 different cues are sent to their Submixes correctly.
I’ve been struggling with this for a while now, I haven’t done much Audio in Unreal before so I might be missing something. I’m just confused if there is something wrong with my setup or if there is a problem with Niagara.
I also tried using the “Sample Audio Buffer” node that uses an Audio Oscilloscope input, but it also takes in a Submix parameter and it’s giving me the same problem.
Since I can debug the Submixes in blueprint using the Spectral Analysis I could maybe just feed the Magnitude float array to Niagara and drive the FX from that, but definitely, that doesn’t feel like the appropriate way to approach this.