Niagara ribbon tangents bug report

There is one bug i discovered during attempt to create curved beam in the Niagara system.
Beam curvature and height is highly dependent to system position in world space, even if in setting chosen to use relative locations.

Here steps to reproduce:

  1. Create new project.
  2. Create new empty Niagara Emitter and System based on it.
  3. Set emitter to use ribbon renderer.
  4. Add “Burst particle spawn” module.
  5. Add “Beam settings” module.
  6. Mark “Use beam tangents”
  7. Set start and end tangents to X:0, Y:0, Z1.
  8. Add “Update beam” module.
  9. Place system in world and try to move it.

Video demonstration : Ue4.26 Niagara ribbon bug report - YouTube

Hi, I am also having this problem. Were you able to resolve it?

The problem seems to be somewhere in the position transformations between the beam start and tangents, I circumvented it by just enabling Absolute tangents and adjusting them by hand.