Niagara GPU particles Sim on Meta Quest 2/3 ?


I have been trying to render Niagara particles with GPU as sim target in emitter properties for a meta Quest 2/3 app.
When I preview in the editor in VR mode (PCVR) it works just fine but when I package an app for the quest 3 the particles won’t render.
I’ve used the simple GPU emitter from the Epic content exemple project.
When I set the sim mode to CPU, they render just fine on the quest packaged app.

I would like to know if GPU sim mode is just unavailable for Quest standalone or if there is some scpecific settings in UE for it to work ?
I would like to use another particle system that needs GPU sim.

I have seen a few other topics that mention that GPU sim doesn’t work well on Quest but work nonetheless.

Thanks !

The quest standalone does not support the GPU particle effects. It only supports the CPU rendering. However if you are making a Windows-VR then GPU particles should work fine.


thanks for your answer.
I’ll stick with CPU particles for now then !

Looks like this needs to be set in the engine config file - For some reason Meta Quest 3 uses Oculus Quest device profile



Thank you for this info !
It does work :slight_smile: !!

I guess I have to be careful with it but for template particles it is ok for now.

Hi! Can you please explain how you got to this part? Also, does it simply just not work on Metaquest 2?

We added a device profile for Quest 3 in 5.4, but you also need to make sure that you have quest3 in Project Settings → Android → Advanced APK Packaging → Extra Settings for <application> like so:

<meta-data android:name="com.oculus.supportedDevices" android:value="quest2|quest3|questpro" />

If you don’t, your Quest 3 will run in Quest 2 compatibility mode, and load the Quest 2 device profile.

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