Niagara emmiter not rotating



EDIT: workaround found, problem still exists tho

Hey there @anon58292963! So the rotation set there is 0,0,0, which means it will always spawn with it’s rotation as 0,0,0. So it’s best to pass in the rotation of the object you’re using. So in my example I do it with the actor itself, however in your case you could use the socket or the bone with the other node below that.

i literally said in the bottom of the post that any value does not work, even splitting the input.

As a note, since many of these posts on the forum are from beginners, it’s always pertinent to assume nothing. Often times when someone says rotation they don’t always mean the node.

So there’s a couple things that could be happening. The system’s movement itself could be set to world space or the rotations aren’t being applied to the spawned actor at all.

Check the system’s velocity and make sure it’s not set to world:

then if that fails, let’s verify the emitter is being rotated correctly on spawn with a print of it’s rots and a breakpoint:

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It say’s it’s being rotated. But it’s not. I set ti to local, it doesn’t work.

Hrm, it could be the entire system rotation isn’t set to local either. Try taking a look here, didn’t mean to send this yet, more coming to the comment standby haha.

Another is the particle/mesh may have it’s pivot shifted in world (99% of the time not as the default is mesh/local but I figured I’d mention it)

I’m using a sprite and there’s no rotation setting for the cone. only axis. that’s set to local too though. also I’m using 4.26 so i might be doing something wrong.

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Hey there sorry about the late reply, have been out sick for while. Doesn’t look out of the ordinary, so I definitely missed something.

Weird question, but could you test it without the socket link? I’ve been seeing some reports of sockets behaving oddly when referenced by something else. (I don’t think this is the case, but always nice to check).

Hi, I used an arrow and got its location instead, absolutely no difference. Still pointing in the same direction. Also sorry I took a break from unreal

Edit: i still think it has something to do with cone rotation. Pretty sure you can manipulate it in 5

I wasn’t able to rotate an emitter in a recent project either using a few different methods. I ended up attaching the emitter to a spring arm and rotating the arm and it works fine. I couldn’t find a way to rotate only the emitter.

If i make the spring arm 0.1 uu will it rotate seemingly around the center axis? (uu = unreal unit = cm)

If the length of the spring arm is 0 it will.

oh. I didn’t know it can be 0. Don’t spring arms work only for cameras? or no

They work with everything, but if you have your emitter set up to shoot stuff out in world space, changing the rotation won’t change the way it fires.

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Thanks. Ofc the spring arm isnt responsible for raycasts or projectiles

Hey, looks like it doesn’t work. In fact its invisible

You can try spawn system at location in socket location