Newbie editor lighting question

Good evening, i am fairly new to UE4 but i like to create things in it from time to time. Question i have is, when i am working in the editor and i have it set to unlit i can see everything just fine as in the picture below

But when i am trying to work in the scene with the viewport set to lit, so that i can work with lights this is what i am seeing

which this is very hard to work with, if i build the lighting and go in game more or less the lighting is way differnt.
if i hit the “G” key the lighting is alot closer to what it does look like once i hit play

But it is hard to work with the lighting and get it the way i want it having to hit G all the time…Am i missing something here. Shouldnt the light just render correctly when i have it set to lit? so that i can work on the lighting with out having to hit
game view?

Make sure you have the lights set to the right type, you might have them set to movable. Set them to static if they don’t have to affect dynamic objects, or stationary if they need to affect dynamic objects but don’t need to be movable.