[NEW-Free] Arduino Serial Communication Plugin "Serial COM v3"-(Fork from UE4Duino)

An Arduino compatible plugin that allows connecting any Arduino to Unreal Engine, but most important, it allows any Serial Communication device to interact directly to and from Unreal Engine. (Fork and extension of UE4Duino). - For Unreal Engine 5.0 / 4.27 / 4.26 / 4.25

“Serial COM” v3.0.0.5 (Beta) (Fork of UE4Duino)

This is a fork with a new path. I am not keeping the UE4Duino name, this forked project has its own home at:

“Serial COM” v3.0.0 is natively compatible with Unreal Engine 5.0, 4.27, 4.26, and 4.25. If there is a need for older versions, please ask.

All my love to both, (grizly32) and (RVillani) making this Plugin possible in the first place.

So, if you are an Arduino enthusiasy, you’ll be able to work with a version compatible Serial Communication plugin again!

Here is the video presentation and a short tutorial of how to use this plugin.

(Play) YouTube video. Overview and Tutorial

(Play) YouTube video. Overview and Tutorial

List of Functions:

Renamed Functions:

UE4Duino v2.2.5 ----------------------- Serial COM v 3.0.0 (Beta)

  • Close Port ----------------------- - Close Serial Port

  • Flash Port ----------------------- - Flash Serial Port

  • Open Port ----------------------- - Open Serial Port

  • ---------- ----------------------- - (New) Open Serial Port with Flow Control

  • Open Port with Target ----------- - (New) Open Serial Port with Target and Flow Control

  • Get Port Number --------------- - Get Serial Port Number

  • Get Port Baudrate -------------- - Get Serial Port Baudrate

  • Serial Port Open ----------------- - Is Serial Port Open?

  • Print ----------- ---------------- - Serial Print

  • Print Line ---------------------- - Serial Print Line

  • Line End to String -------------- - Serial Line End to String

  • Write a Byte -------------------- - Serial Write Byte

  • Write Bytes -------------------- - Serial Write Bytes

  • Read a Bytes ------------------- - Serial Read Byte

  • Read a Float -------------------- - Serial Read Float

  • Read a Line -------------------- - Serial Read Line

  • Read a String ------------------ - Serial Read a String

  • Bytes to Float ------------------ - Serial Bytes to Float

  • Bytes to int --------------------- - Serial Bytes to Int

  • Float to Bytes ------------------ - Serial Float to Bytes

  • Int to Bytes --------------------- - Serial Int to Bytes

“Serial COM” v3.0.0 (Beta) RELEASE NOTES

  • The “Serial COM” 3.0.0 Plugin now works nativelley in Unreal Engine 4.27/4.26/4.24 (PARTIAL SUPPORT WITH UE 5EA*) without having to re-build the project and possibly not be able to re-build for the lack of missing SDK’s requirements.
  • Unreal Engine 5(Early Access) still requires to rebuild the plugin. UE5 is able to rebuild the plugin. Until a new method to rebuild the plugin for UE5 is available, this is the only version compatible with UE5.
  • The new plugin will appear in your plugin list as “Communication Serial Port (Serial COM)”. On your blueprints, is going to be listed in the “Communication Serial” category list instead of “UE4Duino”. Search for “Arduino, Serial, Communication” will also show the results for these functions.
  • Added Flow Control from the last UE4Duino 2.2.5’s Pull request from “SG1EmberWolf”(SG1EmberWolf · GitHub)
    • Added “Open Serial Port with Flow Control”
    • Added “Open Serial Port with Target and Flow Control”
    • The new module name changed from “UE4Duino” to “SERIALCOM”. That also means that both plugins (potentially) can live together inside a blueprint without causing conflicts, but is not recommended.
  • Internally, changed naming of “Serial.h” files includes name. This “Serial.h” is very popular in many libraries. To avoid possible future corruption and confusion, it was renamed to “SerialCom.h”.
  • The BETA version will continue to stay in BETA mode until no serious problems get reported and the final version will be 100% compatible with this release.

GITHUB REPOSITORY: GitHub - videofeedback/Unreal_Engine_SerialCOM_Plugin: Serial Com Port Library for Unreal Engine 4 and Unreal Engine 5

Known Issues:

Opening Port Example

Blueprint Example

Each Zip file contains the correstpondent blueprint for each UE version. Drag and drop the .uasset (Blueprint) file to your project. Read the complete insturctions inside the “BLUEPRINT” folder of this plugin.

Ramiro Montes De Oca (Ramiro’s Lab)

Discord: https://discord.ramiroslab.com

YouTube: https://youtube.ramiroslab.com

Github: https://github.ramiroslab.com

Copyright Notice:

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2015 v1 FusionLabz/Gryzly32 (UE4Duino)

Copyright (c) 2017-2020 v2 Rodrigo Villani Pereira (UE4Duino)

Copyright (c) 2021-2022 v3 Ramiro Montes De Oca (SerialCOM) fork of (UE4Duino 2.2.5)


Hey @videofeedback,

Moving this thread over to the “released projects” might help to get more people to see it. If you’d like I can transfer it over for you. It is entirely up to you whether you keep it under community tools though.

Thanks so much for sharing your work and helping to make the unreal community a bit stronger. :slight_smile:

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Sounds great if you can do it! Thanks. I just posted it where the older project was posted, but your suggestion sounds better.

I’ve moved it over. Good luck with sharing your project. I’m sure it will help out a ton of people! :slight_smile:

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Thank you!

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Does this work with Raspberry Pi ?
I just got a Pi Pico

Yes, of course. Any Serial communication.

That’s really cool! Thanks for keeping this up :smiley:

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Thank you for a great work. It is the only plugin I found that could work with serial port.
Can you please clarify: Can I use it with Android? As I see, first Node is “Open serial” which has int number. But Adnroid mount devies such as /dev/usb/001. Is there any way to make it work?

The target is to communicate UE4 programm on android 7.0(Car board PC) with Arduino Nano

P.S. I started with UE4Duino and now installing “serial com”, but they looks similar

Brilliant work - thank you for updating this and adding the extra tutorial information - this is MUCH appreciated.

Sadly it will not run in Unreal 5.0.3 - it is unable to recompile. Are there any fundamental challenges preventing this from happening or can I roll my sleeves up and try and get it to compile from the source? I saw mention of an SDK issue somewhere…

Just now discovered this project. Very exciting. Also interested in 5.0.3 compatibility.

Lates update supports UE 5.1.1


When packaging is complete, the launcher indicates that the plug-in does not exist。I used the arduino plugin. UE runs normally, and the plugin “serialcom” does not exist after the packaging is completed. Have you ever used Arduino for projects? Any idea how to package plugins together?

I know it late but open new empty c++ class fixed the issue for me

When 5.2 version is available? thanks.

1 Like


This plugin can work with Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+? Thanks!

Thanks man! Great work :slight_smile:

Hi everyone. I made a project where I use 5x Arduino Nano. They send data via USB, which I then process. In Unreal Engine, I use the SerialCOM plugin.

Everything works fine in the editor, but after compiling, one USB sometimes just doesn’t work. It’s always the specific Arduino Nano that malfunctions. What could be causing this? Everything works as it should in the editor.

I have UE5.3.

PIE: Error: Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property MySerialPort”. Node: Serial Print Line Graph: EventGraph Function: Execute Ubergraph SM Ball 01 Blueprint Blueprint: SM_Ball_01_Blueprint
PIE: Error: Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property MySerialPort”. Node: Close Serial Port Graph: EventGraph Function: Execute Ubergraph SM Ball 01 Blueprint Blueprint: SM_Ball_01_Blueprint

Kindly help