You are not the customer.
You are a member of a community who seems to think they have the right to question the very community others are members of.
If you do not like the community, leave it; because I
this community with all my heart and joy, and to see toxic calls-to-arms because you personally and subjectively feel that something does not work the way you want it, is beyond offensive.
Most of the time, I will ignore such offensive and overtly negative toxicity, because I understand how it can manifest itself in reality.
Someone cuts you up on the road, someone gets your Taxi-cab, you thought you had another can of beer in the fridge on a warm summers day; or the cat scratches you.
We can all have bad days for whatever reason, and sometimes, we can even feel like as if the world owes us something, because we are good people and we pay our taxes on time goddamit…just, please, something go right for me for once.
The world owes you nothing.
The internet was supposed to save us - I would posit the internet has destroyed us, for there are some who have confused other people’s genuine tirades as legitimate ways of conducting oneself in reality for things that are subjective demands.
In other words, people used to use the internet for venting frustration, like t-bagging noobs whilst humming the theme to Hawaii Five-0…not for speaking about proposed changes to a perceived social injustice against a company, for not giving you what they think they should, or even; by operating their company in the way that they do.
One is venting, like a pressure valve, the other is narcissism, wrapped up in a blanket of apathy directed towards oneself - because if someone truly cared about themselves, it would be themselves they would try to fix, not their surroundings/environments/social circles, so that they feel better internally, by trying to affect external factors.
You cannot flip the board of monopoly over because of the roll of dice you got.
Look, being real to you as I can be right now, in spite of your inability to perform tests and submit results to the community, you must understand that what you are saying can ONLY be interpreted as subject and not empirical or objective.
Someone might say they agree with you, but, what are they in fact agreeing to? The thing in your head? Or something which is a standard test, repeatable and understood by anyone else performing the same tests?
You cannot argue subjectivity with objectivity
You cannot argue objectivity with subjectivity.
Run tests, compare and contrast with others, submit reports to Epic Games and maybe one day you will have bought the engine and be using for a project on a game that pays you a bazillion dollars, until then, you are not a paying customer.
You are the member of community that you do NOT control.
So - stop trying to, and have some respect this community…some of which have been developing games since 1998.
Before the dark times…before social media turned everyone into an entitled “Karen”, hell-bent on trying to alter the trajectory of light from the space-time continuum in their favour.
Not that is what you are doing, of course.
I was merely giving an example of how the internet has changed human beings…