Nelo. A game by Magic & Mirrors

OK seriously where is the pre-order area? This looks FANTASTIC! The intensity driven by the sheer speed of this game feels good even when just watching (reminds me of how i feel when I play Vanquish or Ikaruga). Yewt it doesn’t get too chaotic to the point that the player doesn’t know what’s going on. Keep it up! SUPER hyped about this.

Can’t believe only two people are behind this? And one Audio Designer now… incredible. How long did this all take? When did the journey started on this project? :slight_smile:

Keep it going!

Are you still only using Blueprints or have you converted over to C++?

@ We started in October/November of 2013 so It’s been almost a year now for this project.

@LcSweeper All the core mechanics, like character pawns, projectiles, and wave generators are now in C++. minor actors are still using blueprint.

Here’s something I want to try for the game. a Mech Suit for certain game modes. if this concept doesn’t play well, I now have a mech on my 3d art portfolio.

Holy cow, that mech is amazing. I want to run up the tail and jump into the cockpit.

You guys are doing a great job. I love your attention to detail it’s a rare thing in developers lately.

Looking awesome, guys. Keep it up!

I think the pace is great. There are some readability issues with all the sparks. I think you can keep the frantic pace up, but maybe seperate the colors of enemies from the colors of their explosions just a smidge.

Nice mech suit!

Keep in mind we’re seeing a far blurrier, more compressed version of real gameplay via the streamed videos. Colourful games compress particularly poorly.

That said, if improved enemy legibility does turn out to be necessary, I’m sure there are ways you could achieve it without compromising on your aesthetic. Maybe It’d be as simple as adding a little stylized fresnel highlight.

Incredible, should you choose to keep it in I can’t wait to see footage of that in action. Keep up the good work!

I’m talking about a minor reduction in value, nothing that would compromise the aesthetic. Also, as a rule, if you aesthetic gets in the way of readability and game play, I think rethinking part of your aesthetic is more than warranted.

Hello Unreal peeps, I’ve got a couple more screen shots to share. They are of two more levels that are in progress. I’ll also be posting more gameplay videos soon, as well as some major news updates. Stay tuned!

This is absolutely incredible. I’m extremely impressed with the progress your team has made and I’m looking forward to it’s release!

Just saw this thread…
D*mn this is amaaazing!!!
Love that mech suit :slight_smile:

Neat concept! Can’t wait to see more progress.

Nice updates there! Loving it.

Still working deliver the major news update and gameplay video. But we are still working really hard on everything else. We’ve got more WIP images to show off as well.

Remember to go to http://nelo to see the latest stuff :slight_smile:

Many, many sci-fi games try for the desaturated, high frequency details smothered all over everything look and fail. Yours is not one of them.

This is looking amazing. Seriously! Awesome work.